Statistics and Analysis of Impact of Diabetes

There ratio of disease that leads to high suffering trauma and mortality have increased to a numerous extend. Medical researchers constantly work for developing effective treatments and medicines by which the suffering or at least the mortality ratio caused by the specific disease can be reduced and the disease can be cured. If we consider diabetes, it is a disease that causes a high rate of mortality and morbidity among the patients and increases with age of the patients. There are numerous studies stating the mortality ratios of the diabetic patients among the highest cause for death. Statistics and Analysis of Impact of Diabetes

The report gives a brief of how the new therapies and methodologies can be helpful in reducing the mortality rates and improve the quality of life of the patients. The report also shows the statistics regarding the current scenario of the people suffering with diabetes and the mortality rates associated with it. Also it has been stated that how can the study and research can help the patients and society for overcoming the impacts of the disease (Kelvin et al, 2007).


Evidences and Studies:

It has been witnessed that the people with type 1 diabetes have comparatively shorter life span than the other patients. But it has been studied that extreme treatment efforts can help in reducing the risks related to death. The life span expected for a diabetic patient after 20 years of age was additional 46 years for men and 75 years for women (Eliasson et al, 2008). It is observed that the major causes of death due to disease or medical conditions include heart disease, heart attack and diabetes. Also the patients were below the age group of 50.  The age gap between the patient’s age and expected life year can be reduced by the help of advanced medical technologies, medical education and implementations and a huge support from the medical centers or professionals (Aguocha et al, 2013). Statistics and Analysis of Impact of Diabetes

In a study conducted by Dr Trevor J, the emphasis were made on the traditional methodology and the intensive new therapies for the treatment of diabetic patients in a long term and the study evidenced that around 6.5 years of intense therapy caused lower mortality rate compared to the traditional therapies.  The tests were performed by examining 1441 volunteers with diabetes and did age from the range of 13 to 39 years. These patients were given intense therapies and treat5ments mostly focused on controlling the blood sugar close to the non diabetic patients. Also some participants were given the traditional therapies to just control high sugar levels and avoid the foods that caused high sugar in the blood (Chijioke et al, 2010).

The study resulted that the all the patients given intense therapy returned to the doctors after around 6 years for treatments. Also it was found that the risk of death among the patients that had the intense therapy was quite lesser than the patients who took the conventional or traditional therapy. Also the studies conducted by Diabetes research centers in UK states that the life span of the patients with type 2 diabetes is high then the patients having type 1 diabetes. The professionals concentrate on high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and kidney disease and damaged organs that can lead to diabetes to develop effective treatment methodologies and reduce the risk of death among patients (Edwin & George, 2005). It was suggested by the medical professionals that maintaining the sugar level of blood within the blood glucose levels, regular exercising activities, balanced and healthy diet are key measures to prolong the life span among diabetics.  Thus as per the evidences it can be said, that adoption of various new therapies and preventive measures can help reduce the mortality rates and the risk factors associated with the disease (Aguocha et al, 2013). Statistics and Analysis of Impact of Diabetes


As per a research conducted in America in 2010, 25 million people in America suffered from diabetes and this ratio increased to 29 million people in 2012. While diabetes is listed on the 7th position of the disease causing death in America. Also the number or people over the world from the age of 20 and above with diagnosed diabetes was 12.6 % and the people with diagnosed diabetes were 3.0%. The number of death was witnessed to be 75,578 while per 100,000 of population, the death was 23.9% (Holman et al, 2008).

The research was conducted to examine the patients getting treated under two different treatments, the traditional therapy and the intense therapy. The health care experts were able to determine the exact statistics and results of around 99% participants of the test. As per the numbers, around 107 patients died during the study from which, 43 patients were from the intense treatment group while 64 were from the conventional or traditional therapy group.  The type 2 diabetes has been witnessed as a high risk towards the patients as; the overall death ratio on the yearly basis per 1000 people a year was 38% among the patients with type 2 diabetes. The death ratio was high in the youth compared to the elder people (Aguocha et al, 2013).

The analysis and study was conducted by considering the factors such as age, sex, lifestyle etc, the risk of mortality was low after the intense therapy of 6 years compared to the previous results. The high risks decreased to around 15%. The evaluations from countries like Canada and England stated that the death in diabetic patient was witnessed more from the type 2 patients. Also the risk for death due to diabetes was high in the type 2 diabetes. The conditions like glycated hemoglobin level did show no decrement in the mortality rates among the type 1 patients. As per the follow ups, the occurrence of obesity, diet and health and diabetes care is different in various countries (Gregg et al, 2007). The overall excess ratio of death for the patients with type 2 diabetes has reduces to 15%. Yet the mortality rate remains the same for some conditions where the age and extremity of the disease is concerned. The mortality rate is generally high in the patients younger than 55 years compared to the other patients. The statistics thus show the current scenario of the patients suffering from the disease and the risk of death faced by the patients (Schurgin et al, 2001). Statistics and Analysis of Impact of Diabetes

Financial Feasibility of Treatments:

Diabetes management is a hectic task for the patients as well the doctors. Also the factors like care for the patients, lifestyle of the patients, diet etc is really hard to change. Also the daily treatments like injection of insulin and monitoring the blood glucose are complex and painful. The financial costs and expenditures for the treatments are high. Along with time, money the patients need high moral support from the society and family members. Also the health care experts must provide proper education and treatment information to the patients (Ogbera et al, 2007).

There are initiatives like the Healthy People Initiative that aims to reduce the mortality rates and improve the health and life style of the diabetics and sets objectives for achieving the goals. These goals include prevention of diabetes, rigorously increase the early treatments and diagnosis, reduce the complications of diabetes, and decrease the mortality rates. There are several strategies planned for achieving the above discussed targets and are supported by communities and hospitals or care centers (Schurgin et al, 2001).

The methodologies to improve the care and health of diabetics include several considerations that are:

  • Developing strategies to search for the previous evidences and treatments  .
  • Analyzing the significance of the evidences and duration of the results.
  • Implementing the accurate evidences.
  • Identifying the new potential methods to improve the treatments.

The methodologies are developed for reducing the adverse risks of diabetes and these methodologies are proved to show the results and evidences in the short-term or long term applications. Statistics and Analysis of Impact of Diabetes

These methods are as follows:

Patient’s self-care:

SMBG that is Self-Monitoring of blood glucose is emphasized for the patients with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. This method has shown significant improvement in the type 1 patients specially. Also reduction in calorie intake and fat intake, use of aspirin, physical activities and exercises, and quitting smoking and alcohol has shown significant improvements in reducing adverse effects of diabetes and have shown the reduction in the complications while the treatment of the diabetics (Ogbera et al, 2007).

Health care expert’s treatment:

The regular monitoring of the hemoglobin, sugar levels, neuropathy etc has provided effective prevention and treatment conditions. The regular screening and management of the blood cells, glucose and hemoglobin by the doctors has shown improvement in the health results of the patients (Schurgin et al, 2001).

Short term outcomes:

The short term results are dependent on the blood pressure control, weight, lipid levels and such causes that are measured within timely manner.

Also there are several techniques suggested by the health care experts and doctors to avoid the extreme complications and effects of diabetes (Unachukwu et al, 2008).

Smoking and alcoholism:

As stated by the Swedish Drug register, 64% of the type 2 diabetes did get the drugs or medicines for lipid-lowering treatments and 66% got the medications for getting rennin-angiotensin aldosterone system RAAS (Dale AC et al, 2008). This was common in all age groups where the youth had a high use of lipidowering suggestions 8 times higher than the RAAS inhibitors. The smoking frequency was low for the people with type 2 diabetes among the people dies by diabetes. Smoking was witnessed as an increased reason why the BMI was higher among the diabetics with type 2 diabetes in the youth. Smoking and alcohol has been witnessed as adverse habits in the diabetes patients and are stated as the causes for increase in the complications. Considering its negative impacts, the health care experts focused on decreasing the intake of such harming elements among the diabetics (Unachukwu et al, 2008). Statistics and Analysis of Impact of Diabetes


How the Study and Statistics Are Helpful to People:

Diabetes is an illness found within all age groups and can have severe effects and also can cause death. The disease is constantly rising around the globe due to the reasons of urbanization, unhealthy diet, hereditary complexions, lifestyle etc. (Eberly et al, 2003).  Hypertension, increase in glucose levels, sugar levels, obesity etc. has been monitored as the root causes of the disease which has led to the increase in the mortality and, morbidity rates due to the disease. In such case after the evidence of the adverse effects of the disease several measures should be taken to reduce expansion of the disease and follow the preventive measures to avoid the disease. The doctors or health care workers should be educated and trained to understand the detailed effects and cure of the disease while also spread awareness regarding the disease and its negative impacts (Whiting et al, 2011).

The awareness would lead to early or primary detection and diagnosis of the disease. This disease is also considered as a hereditary disease. So the people with the parents having diabetes should go for regular checkup or diagnosis of the disease and also follow the preventive measures to avoid the disease. People should be educated regarding the preventive measures that can be taken to reduce the risks associated with the disease such as obesity, unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, alcohol etc. (Muhlestein et al, 2014). The people should adopt a healthy life style by undertaking meditation and yoga sessions, including any physical activity in the routine, eat beneficial foods that help in preventing disease and avoid all the aspects that can result into the disease and suffering. The government has also an important role to play in preventing the disease and reducing the number of deaths and severe complexities caused by diabetes. The government and organizations could provide funding to the health care centers or diagnosis centers to establish all the necessary tools and equipment’s used for the treatment and diagnosis of the disease. The complete diabetes management system should be followed to improve the life quality of the patients and reduce the risks of death among the diabetes patients (Dale et al, 2008).

As per the statistics and research regarding the disease and its causes, various measures should be taken by individual or communities that would help the population or communities of patients to overcome the disease. As per the statistics, prevention is the best measure to avoid the complexities of the disease. Considering the current life style and health preferences it is very obvious for people to catch the disease. Also diabetes is a hereditary disease so there are chances that a person may get the disease in hereditary from the parents or grandparents. In such circumstances, following the preventive measures is the best way to avoid the disease (Whiting et al, 2011). Statistics and Analysis of Impact of Diabetes

Considering the statistics, the major causes of diabetes are high sugar and glucose levels in the blood, smoking or alcoholism and hypertension (Grant et al, 2004). These reasons must be taken carefully and a constant diagnosis for blood sugar and glucose should be done. Smoking and alcohols should be avoided if the risk of catching the disease is to be lowered. It is proved that the early detection or diagnosis of the disease can almost cut down the risk of getting affected by the harmful effects of the disease. Thus regular diagnosis of the blood and sugar must be done to avoid the disease or detect the disease in early stages to avoid the terrible impacts of the disease (Dale et al, 2008).

These conditions also belong to the people already suffering from the disease. The regular checkup and diagnosis would lead to reduced risk of expansion and increase in the disease and also the risk of mortality due to the disease. The patients must visit the diagnostic centers for regular treatments and also adopt a healthy life style by having health food and suitable workouts. This would increase the body’s efficiency to fight the disease and avoid the harmful circumstances that could be caused by the disease (Chijioke et al, 2010).

The main aspect is the mortality ratio. It has been proved by the researchers that adopting the intense therapies for the treatment of diabetes are very helpful in curing the disease as well reducing the risk of death I comparison to the traditional approach. It should be considered that just by avoiding high sugar and glucose levels would not contribute sufficiently in curing the disease (Lind et al, 2014). A regular checkup routine and intense therapies must be followed for the effective treatment of the disease.  There are intense therapies provided by the health care centers for 6.5 years that has been proved to be effective and helpful in sustaining the damages caused by the disease. The patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes must undergo these therapies to reduce the mortality risks associated with the disease (Anand et al, 2006). Statistics and Analysis of Impact of Diabetes

Along with the patients, there are several duties and responsibilities of the health care experts or doctors to improve the quality of the treatment and diagnosis of the patients. The doctors can spread awareness regarding the proper steps and methods to get diagnosed for diabetes. The doctors can spread awareness regarding early detection, diagnosis and new methodologies to sustain and fight the disease efficiently (Mulnier et al, 2006). Also the society and people must contribute in providing moral support and trust in the patients. The government can too play a very important role by donating or funding certain amounts in establishing the tools and equipment or medicine required for the treatment of the diabetic patients. Thus it can be said that if the society adopts various measures to prevent, diagnose and treat the disease carefully, the severe impacts of the disease can certainly be reduced and the quality of life can be improved by eliminating the risk and danger of death (Chijioke et al, 2010).


Thus by the statistics and analysis of the impact of diabetes and the mortality ratios caused by the disease, it can be said that the proper methodology for treatment of the disease can prevent or reduce the mortality rate of the people suffering by the disease. There are measures like intense therapies that are highly successful in reducing the mortality rates and also the short term measures like healthy lifestyle, diet, exercise regime, avoidance of smoking and alcohol, adopting the preventing measures etc. can help in reducing the risk of death and extreme complications in the diabetes patients (Anand et al, 2006). Statistics and Analysis of Impact of Diabetes