Capstone Project Change Proposal Essay Discussion Paper

Capstone Project Change Proposal Essay Discussion Paper Create a professional presentation of your evidence-based intervention and change proposal to be disseminated to an interprofessional audience of leaders and stakeholders. Include the intervention, evidence-based literature, objectives, resources needed, anticipated measurable outcomes, and how the intervention would be evaluated. Submit the presentation in LoudCloud for feedback from…

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Psychiatric Evaluation and Evidence-Based Rating Scales Essay Paper

Psychiatric Evaluation and Evidence-Based Rating Scales Essay Paper This week we will discuss the psychiatric evaluation and evidence-based rating scales. Assessment tools are essential to diagnosis and evaluating response to treatment. You should consider the strength and weaknesses of a tool in order to select the best one for your client. Your assigned assessment tool…

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Neurocognitive and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Essay Example Paper

Neurocognitive and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Essay Example Paper Assessing and Diagnosing Patient with Substance Related Disorder Patient Information: Initials: S.H Gender: F Age: 9 Patient: Sarah Higgins Subjective: CC: I have trouble paying attention at school” HPI: S. H. is a 9-year-old African-American girl who presents to the clinic with her mother for a psychiatric assessment.…

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Family Assessment Assignment Essay Paper

Family Assessment Assignment Essay Paper Subjective: CC (chief complaint): “I would like to learn to live my life by myself. I depend on my kids a lot because in our customs when the parents get old and have hard walking and caring for themselves, the children help.” HPI: Pattie is a 40-year-old woman who comes…

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Assessing and Treating Patients with Anxiety Disorders Paper

Assessing and Treating Patients with Anxiety Disorders Paper The client, a 46-year-old Caucasian man, presents to the emergency department with complaints of breathing difficulties, tightness of the chest, and a sense of impending doom. The client was referred to me by his primary care physician, who said that he had moderately high blood pressure and…

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Neurological and Musculoskeletal Pathophysiologic Processes Essay Paper

Neurological and Musculoskeletal Pathophysiologic Processes Essay Paper The clinical findings indicated are similar to those associated with gouty arthritis. It is a kind of inflammatory arthritis that is extremely painful. There are flare-ups and remissions, with the big toe joint being the most often affected (Cabău et al., 2020). Inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1b, which…

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Assignment: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Essay Paper

Assignment: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Essay Paper A psychiatric condition known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is brought on by and worsened as a result of being exposed to stressful situations. Individuals with this condition are plagued by a wide range of clinical manifestations, including intense worry, flashbacks, nightmares, and an unending stream of thoughts related…

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Importance of Professional Associations in Nursing Discussion Paper

Importance of Professional Associations in Nursing Discussion Paper At the present time, nursing is recognized as one of the vocations that carries the greatest weight in society and offers the most fulfilling experiences. One of the most beneficial choices that nurses may make is to become a part of various nursing professional associations. By joining…

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