Prediction of Well-Being From Isolation, Self-Efficacy, Resilience

Prediction of Well-Being From Isolation, Self-Efficacy, Resilience Abstract Well-being is the degree to which an individual is a degree at which has the pleasure of what life brings. The study predicted the positive and negative effects of the joint predictors of isolation, resilience, and self-efficacy on well-being during pandemic times. The study involved 99 participants…

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Prediction of Well-Being From Isolation, Self-Efficacy, Resilience Discussion

Prediction of Well-Being From Isolation, Self-Efficacy, Resilience Discussion Abstract Well-being is the degree to which an individual is a degree at which has the pleasure of what life brings. The study predicted the positive and negative effects of the joint predictors of isolation, resilience, and self-efficacy on well-being during pandemic times. The study involved 99…

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