Team Nursing Care Model Assignment

Research an organization that uses an innovative model of care. How does this innovative model affect inter professional collaboration? How might this model contribute to the delivery of cost of effective health care? Make sure to identify the organization and model in your response.Team Nursing Care Model Assignment

The manner in which care is delivered is highly determined by numerous factors including:  recruitment and retention of staff, issues dealing with the economy and beliefs in leadership. Research evidence on the effect that care models have on the safety of patients and quality of care is also a key factor in making decisions regarding care models. Models of care delivery are not only specific to the inpatient setting and how nursing care is organized. Instead, they also explain how other services such as pharmacy and social care is provided in different patient populations. In this assignment, how Cleveland clinic uses the team care model is discussed. An analysis of how this care model affects inter professional collaboration and contributes to the provision of cost-effective healthcare is also provided.Team Nursing Care Model Assignment

            In Cleveland clinic, team based care model is the center of healthcare delivery  and it was  adopted with an aim of fostering clinical thinking,  systems thinking and clinical judgment to ensure safety in patient care (Fairbrother, Chiarella & Braithwaite, 2015).  Basically, what happens with this model of care is that a team of healthcare providers provide care for a group of patients either in the inpatient setting or acute care setting where life-threatening issues are confronted. In this care model, the strengths of every healthcare provider is maximized on and every healthcare provider has an active role in clinical decision making to provide the best possible care (Havaei, Mcphee & Dahinten, 2019).  This promotes inter professional collaboration.


Care is highly coordinated whereby all healthcare providers assume responsibility within clinical practice and with other healthcare providers and linkage to community resources. Teams tend to link all the services provided to a patient, promote communication between professionals, monitor how service is delivered, prevent service duplication and to identify potential care gaps which promotes cost-effective care (Havaei, Mcphee & Dahinten, 2019).


Fairbrother, G., Chiarella, M., & Braithwaite, J. (2015). Models of care choices in today’s nursing workplace: where does team nursing sit?. Australian Health Review, 39(5), 489-493.

Havaei, F., Mcphee, M., & Dahinten, V. S. (2019). The effect of nursing care delivery models on quality and safety outcomes of care: A cross sectional survey study of medical‐surgical nurses. Journal of advanced nursing.Team Nursing Care Model Assignment

What Is the Team Nursing Model?

Team nursing is a model in which a group of healthcare professionals, including nurses, care for a group of patients in the acute care or inpatient setting. Acute care, also known as critical care, is when nurses help patients confronting life-threatening issues. This model came about in the 1950s and 1960s in a response to the increasing shortage of nurses due to World War II and nurses leaving hospitals.

The team usually consists of a charge nurse or team leader (also a nurse), more nurses, and patient care technicians or nurse’s aides. The charge nurse is responsible for assigning patients to the team members, as well as being knowledgeable about the patients and their plans of care. The nurses who are assigned to the patients delegate tasks to the patient care technicians or nurse’s aides within their scope of practice to assist in the care of the patients. Each team is responsible for five to six patients, depending upon the setting and staffing.

If you’ve ever been a patient in a hospital, you may have had two people caring for you at a time (a nurse and a patient care technician, or nurse’s aide) each performing certain types of tasks in order to complete orders from the healthcare provider and help you recover from illness or injury. This is considered team nursing.Team Nursing Care Model Assignment

Pros of Team Nursing

Every member of the team brings something important to patient care in the team nursing model. The working shift is started out with a conference involving the team leader or charge nurse, assigned nurse, and patient care technician or nurse’s aide. During this conference, the team discusses the patients and their plans for care.

Some of the main pros of the team nursing model include:

  • The strengths of all healthcare professionals are utilized in order to provide the best care possible.
  • Each patient receives individualized care, which has been shown to improve patient outcomes and patient satisfaction.
  • Each team member is able to perform the skills at which they excel, which helps with job satisfaction and patient safety. This also provides the nurse with time to document care in the health record.
  • The patients are given the most comprehensive care and every member of the team can contribute to decision making.

Have you worked on a team where every member contributed, participated, and completed the task in a timely manner? It was a great feeling, wasn’t it? Imagine being a patient on a team nursing floor where all the members of the healthcare team contributed, participated, and met your every need. Team Nursing Care Model Assignment

Cons of Team Nursing

Team nursing can also be challenging due to the fact that communication and delegation are necessary with this model. In contrast with the primary nursing model, where a single nurse maintains patient care, the assigned nurse in the team model delegates tasks to the patient care technician or nurse’s aide such as performing vital signs, bathing, drawing blood, performing ECGs, and other such skills within their scope of practice.

Some of the main drawbacks to the team nursing model include:

  • The nurse remains responsible for the duties being performed without performing them personally. This takes time away for the nurse from the assigned patients.
  • Assigning staff with this model can be challenging, because the staff competencies must meet the patient’s needs.
  • All members of the team must also be focused on the patient and his or her needs. Team Nursing Care Model Assignment

In the last century, numerous nursing modalities – also called nursing care models – emerged to meet the ever-changing needs of patients and the health-care industry. Each nursing professional plays a critical role in patient care and the way in which patients experience their health care. Nursing care models vary in administration and scope. While some provide quality care for large numbers of patients, others focus on serving the needs of individuals. Nursing care models are fluid, allowing each hospital, clinic or private practice to devise a method to serve patients.

Functional Nursing Model

The functional nursing method is a decades-old, traditional form of patient care. The model relies on a hierarchy of nurses who perform different tasks depending upon their level of education, training and experience.

The team leader, a registered nurse (RN), collaborates with physicians to determine the needs of a patient. The head nurse then delegates tasks to nurses under her supervision. For example, she might assign another registered nurse to administer treatments, while a licensed practical nurse (LPN) monitors blood pressure and a nurse’s aide assists the patient with an exercise regime.

Functional nursing applies an assembly-line method of patient care, which can offer economic advantages for the hospital because it maximizes each team member’s skill set. This nursing model works well in periods of high demand, such as wartime or during epidemics. However, functional nursing does not provide the holistic care that many patients need, because the nurses focus on their individual tasks rather than the overall condition or progress of the patient.Team Nursing Care Model Assignment

Team Nursing Model

Developed in the 1950s, the team nursing model is similar to the functional nursing method, but provides care on a larger scale. The team nursing model assigns an RN as the group leader who delegates tasks to a team of medical professionals who care for multiple patients.

Teams contain at least two nurses, typically with different experience, education and skill levels. An RN team member might dispense medications, while an LPN monitors patient blood pressure. The team might also include a nurse’s aide, who carries out tasks such as bathing and dressing the same group of patients.

Surveys of nurses have yielded high marks for the team nursing model. Inexperienced nurses appreciate the opportunity to work with and learn from their experienced colleagues. Likewise, experienced nurses report that they feel more supported in their duties under a team nursing model. The team nursing approach also benefits medical facilities by enabling inexperienced nurses to learn more quickly, giving them increased value as employee assets. The method also promotes and improves communication among team members, which can result in improved patient care.Team nursing relies on team leader RNs with good management and leadership skills. Patient needs can impact the success of the team nursing method. Designed to provide care for numerous patients, the team nursing model does not offer appropriate coverage for patients who need constant care and attention.Team Nursing Care Model Assignment

Primary Nursing Model

The primary nursing model assigns patients to a primary RN, who takes responsibility for their care throughout the hospital stay. By following a patient’s progress, the RN can provide a more holistic level of care, while offering the patient the comfort of having a primary caregiver among the nursing staff.

The primary nursing method developed in the 1970s and quickly gained popularity. It addressed the shortcomings of older models such as functional and team nursing, which left gaps in patient care because of task-oriented approaches. Primary nursing has proven particularly successful in meeting the needs of patients with complex medical conditions. For example, a patient with diabetes might have heart problems, tissue damage and dietary restrictions, which require the type of comprehensive care a primary nurse can provide. Patients respond well to the primary nursing model, because it provides them with a knowledgeable medical contact and a sense of continuous care. Generally, nurses appreciate the feeling of autonomy primary nursing offers, while enabling them to provide patients with a high level of care.Team Nursing Care Model Assignment


Flexible work schedules, which allow nurses to work three consecutive days of 12-hour shifts, followed by four days off, create a disadvantage to the primary nursing model, particularly for patients who require long-term hospitals stays.

The primary nursing model has remained relatively unchanged since its conception. Most studies indicate that it provides a higher level of job satisfaction for nurses and is popular among patients. However, results have largely offered anecdotal evidence and lack hard data about how primary nursing’s quality of care compares with models such as team and functional nursing.Team Nursing Care Model Assignment

Total Patient Care Model

Total patient care is the grandfather of nursing models. It requires a patient to receive all nursing care from one nurse. In today’s medical industry, total patient care can only be applied in certain types of situations, including critical care and home health care.

In the total patient care model, the attending nurse typically provides care for the patient from the beginning to the end of his medical care episode. For example, a nurse might provide a few weeks of around-the-clock, in-home care for an elderly patient who has broken a hip. The patient might deal with more than one nurse due to work schedules, but he does not receive care from multiple nurses during a work shift. Total patient care requires nurses to assume all care for their patients. They must closely monitor the patient’s condition and communicate closely with the patient’s physicians.

Typically, patients respond favorably to total patient care, because their nurses attend quickly to their needs. In many cases, the patient and nurse develop a friendship, which makes the experience less stressful and more meaningful for the patient.Team Nursing Care Model Assignment

In home health care settings, a patient might face a disadvantage if he needs medical care the nurse cannot readily provide. For example, if an in-home patient suddenly develops a breathing problem, the nurse cannot quickly summon a respiratory therapist. Many nurses enjoy the autonomy that total patient care offers them. However, focusing effort on one patient at a time can lead to burnout.

Case Management

Case management focuses on the administrative issues of health care, rather than the actual delivery of health care. An RN case manager evaluates a patient’s care to determine her healthcare costs and the likelihood that the insurer will provide coverage. Case managers follow the progression of a patient’s care to determine the likely discharge date and her care needs after discharge.

The case management model stems from the complexity of third party health-care payers and the rising costs of health care. A case manager serves as an intermediary between the patient and third party payers, which may include insurance companies, Medicare or Medicaid. They also ensure that third party payers will reimburse the health-care facilities for services.

Case managers often deal with 12 to 28 patients per day. In the past, they reviewed patient charts and communicated with third party payers every three to seven days. But in today’s digital age, case managers communicate daily with attending doctors, nurses and third party payers.Team Nursing Care Model Assignment

Effective case management benefits everyone involved. The case manager communicates with the patient to inform her about approvals or denials from her healthcare provider. Likewise, the case manager can help prevent health-care facilities from losing money because of unexpected coverage denials.

Case managers must stay abreast of every aspect of the patient’s care, from diagnostic tests to surgery schedules and from outpatient therapies to home health-care requirements. For example, a case manager must keep track of the number of days a patient’s insurance company will pay for inpatient care. If a patient experiences a discharge delay due to a rescheduled surgery, the case manager must communicate with the third party payer and coordinate new surgery and discharge dates with health-care staff. A case manager must work closely with the patients to assess the effectiveness of treatments and help devise self-care plans for after discharge.Team Nursing Care Model Assignment