Technology Interview Assignment Discussion Paper


1) Interview a health care leader about a new technology he or she selected, planned for, and implemented.

2) Write a paper of 1,000–1,200 words, from your perspective, on how that process occurred, what happened, what the leader would do again, and what mistakes he or she may have made.

3) Refer to the assigned readings to incorporate specific examples and details into your paper.


4) Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

5) This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment Technology Interview Assignment Discussion Paper.

New Technology Interview – Rubric

  1. Interview a health care leader about a new technology he or she selected, planned for, and implemented. Covers what the process was, what happened, what the leader would do again, and what mistakes he or she made.-

Answer with excellent score 100%

Demonstrates thorough knowledge of the process of implementing a new technology, the issues, and possible mistakes. Clearly develops a strong analysis of the effectiveness of the process. Introduces appropriate examples.

  1. Integrates information from outside resources into the body of paper.

Answer with excellent score – Supports main points with references, examples, and full explanations of how they apply. Thoughtfully analyzes, evaluates and describes major points of the criteria.

  1. Assignment Development and Purpose

Answer with excellent score- Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive. The essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear Technology Interview Assignment Discussion Paper