The American Health Care System Paper

The health care system of the United States gets provided by many organizations that are distinct. Unlike in most of the capitalist communities which have been profiled in the documentary “Sick Around the World,” facilities of health care are mainly operated and owned by businesses in the private sector. 21 % of community hospitals in the United States are for-profit, 21 % are the property of the government, and %8 % are non-profit hospitals. In 2011, according to a report given by WHO (World Health Organization) stated that the U.S. spends more of its percentage of its gross domestic product on the health care system and more on health care per capita than any other country (Rosenthal, 2013).The American Health Care System Paper


Identify main similarities and differences across the health systems profiled in the documentary.

The healthcare system of the United States is among the few and individual advanced industrialized states as compared to the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, Taiwan, and Switzerland. According to the documentary, their percentage of GDP that they spend on health care are 8.3, 8, 10.7, 6.3, and 11.6 respectively.  The United States does not have a health care coverage that is universal, has no health system that is uniform, and it enacted the healthcare mandates legislation coverage for almost all people only recently. This system of health is best described as a hybrid system because it does not operate as a universal insurance health fund that is multi-player or a national insurance health fund that is single-player (Bradley and Taylor, 2013).

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the US health system compared to those of the five developed countries profiled in the documentary?

Strengths of US Health Medical System.

Breakthroughs technologically have happened in treating many diseases. Furthermore, there is the availability of high-quality services for the individuals who have good insurance covers. There are scores of physicians, mostly specialists in many other parts of the city. In conclusion, the medical system is at the forefront of research clinically.

Despite the many positive changes the health care system has brought, most care providers lack the operations of IT that are necessary for coordinating the care of a patient with other officers, monitor the compliance with disease and prevention programs of management and also sharing the info needed. Most of the healthcare providers in the United States is inconvenient in that the access of Americans to services being offered after hour, that is, holidays, on weekends, late in the evenings and very early in the morning is rather average. It is because its somewhat difficult to get care at these particular events or the observation is charged costlier whereas one’s condition is minor.The American Health Care System Paper

Weaknesses of US Health Medical System.

There is an encouragement of expensive high technological specialization, treatment, and diagnosis by financial incentives. Secondly, there are more physicians per capita in the United States than most other nations that are industrialized although they are unevenly distributed both by specialty and geographically (Glaser, 1993).

In the health care system of the United States, accidents occurring medically are unacceptably high. There is an estimation of 98,000 American citizens who die years as a result of medical mistakes that are preventable. In addition to heartbreak and pain, these mistakes add costs that are incalculable to the system of health care. Personal responsibilities should be called for especially on the parts of the citizens. This is in that clients ought to understand the effects of the decisions of their health care and their treatment costs as well as take better care of themselves.

Identify two changes the US has made to its healthcare system through the Affordable Care Act.

The health care system inthe U.S has been out of control and spiraling for years. These trends that are unsustainable are referred by individuals in healthcare as the crisis of health care. President Obama created the (ACA) Obama Care or Affordable Care Act is an organization that makes huge strides towards addressing the crisis of healthcare (E. Nolte & C. M. McKee, 2008).

The entire amount of power that is behind the health care system for profits despite what the Affordable Care Act gets right means that the reforms of the ACA act just as a single step towards total reforms.

How the US health system could be reformed in the future taking into consideration the evolution of the five documentaries profiled in the documentary?

The health care costs in the United States is the highest per person that is growing the fastest in the growing industrialized world. Hospitals charge payers with smaller pays more to shift costs to reduce the fees by the payers paying large or with large insurance plans and make up for costs that are uncompensated. Finally, the outcomes of healthThe American Health Care System Paper in Houston compare poorly with those of different developed states and cities. For instance, in the United States is 6th in life expectancy, 29th in babies with low births and 20th globally in the mortality rate of infants (Bind man and Andrew, 1994).The American Health Care System Paper


In conclusion, the deliverance of health care to all individuals anywhere in the world is supposed to be a simple endeavor. However, this may not be the case in several areas. According to the projections made by National Health Expenditure in 2015, there are approximately 3.2 trillion dollars spent by the American people on health care and by the year 2022, the projections are that these individuals will spend approximately 5 trillion. Most insurance firms dealing with health are known to be the most profitable. It shows that most people almost get into this business, not to help people as we would so much want to think but mostly to make money and grow themselves. Reforms are needed especially health care reforms because the facts these days are that our costs go up as a way of making sure that the profits of others hit the roof, which is not fair. The costs of healthcare should be regulated by the government since the prices set for profit organizations rarely care about the ordinary people.


Bind man, Andrew B., MD, “Primary and Managed Care: Ingredients for Health Care Reform,” WJM, July 1994, pp 78-82.

Blend on RJ, Leitman R, Morrison I, Donelan K. Satisfaction with Health Systems in Ten Nations. Health Affairs, Summer 1990, Exhibit 2. p. 188.The American Health Care System Paper

  1. H. Bradley and L. A. Taylor, The American Health Care Paradox: Why Spending More Is Getting Us Less (New York: Public Affairs, 2013).
  2. H. Bradley, B. R. Elkins, J. Herrin et al., “Health and Social Services Expenditures: Associations with Health Outcomes,” BMJ Quality & Safety, published online March 29, 2011.
  3. Nolte and C. M. McKee, “ Measuring the Health of Nations: Updating an Earlier Analysis,” Health Affairs, Jan./Feb. 2008 27(1):58–71.

Glaser, William A., PhD, “Universal Health Insurance That Really Works: Foreign Lessons for the United States,” Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, Fall 1993, pp 695-721; “Letters,” Health Affairs, Fall, 1993, p 277; and “The United States Needs a Health System Like Other Countries,” JAMA, August 25, 1993, pp 980-984.

Rosenthal, Elisabeth (December 21, 2013). “News Analysis – Health Care’s Road to Ruin”The American Health Care System Paper