The Future of Nursing Research Essay Paper

The concept of meta-analysis is an important research-based investigation tool that requires a level of patience and understanding of the different types of research evidence that is available for evaluation. The types of variables that are under consideration are supported by meta-analysis and provide a basis for the identification of studies that will have a lasting impact on the research question (Polit & Beck, 2012). Through the identification of the research problem and the formulation of research questions, it is possible to consider studies from a variety of areas that will support this framework and provide additional widespread evidence to address the research question(s) effectively (Polit & Beck, 2012)The Future of Nursing Research Essay Paper.


The meta-analysis provides further support of the role of prior research in the formulation of specific responses to research questions, typically using randomized, controlled clinical trials for many analyses (Haidich, 2010). In this capacity, these analyses support the integration of findings from prior evidence to address a complex research question or set of questions that has a lasting impact on outcomes for the research topic in question (Haidich, 2010). The identification of independent variables and subsequent outcome variables is required in order to determine the necessary impact on the research question (National Institute for Science Education, 1997)The Future of Nursing Research Essay Paper.

The expansion of meta-analysis in nursing research is an essential component of the modern nursing framework, but this requires a careful investigation of existing studies in order further enhance the role of nurses in expanding knowledge related to their work and how it impacts patient care quality (Herndon, 2014). This enables meta-analyses to provide numerous benefits and to be effective in supporting the demands of the practice environment through quantitative analyses of this nature (Herndon, 2014). Therefore, meta-analyses offer significant support for the expansion and understanding of quantitative research in nursing practice that will impact the practice environment. The Future of Nursing Research Essay Paper