The Implications Of Authentic Leadership On The Quality Of Care


As an evidence-based discipline, healthcare requires accurate assertions to make informed decisions. This data enables medical professionals to forecast trends and risk factors inpatient. As a result, they can ensure effective and quality care at affordable prices. To enhance the outcome of a research endeavor, medical professionals recommend using quantitative study methods. The quantitative analysis incorporates statistical data to offer insight into trends or healthcare challenges. Effective use of quantitative methods improves staff competence and enhances the outcome of an intervention (Okpala, 2018)The Implications Of Authentic Leadership On The Quality Of Care. Assessing the efficacy of quantitative methods in action will unveil the key requirements for an accurate evaluation. Scrutiny of 3 different scholarly sources on healthcare will inform the key strategies that improve quantitative research.


Cordeiro, L., & Soares, C. B. (2018). Action research in the healthcare field: a scoping review. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 16(4), 1003-1047.

The article aimed to assess international literature on action research and its applications in healthcare. Cordeiro and Soares define action research as a routine that prioritizes collaboration to establish social change and knowledge-building processes. They point out that there are varying perspectives of this concept. However, participants must learn to combine personal perspectives with theoretical frameworks (Cordeiro & Soares, 2018). Furthermore, they must align these components with transformative procedures and research aims. They assert that the diversity in methodologies instituted in action research improves the quality of a research outcome. The researchers use a three-step search technique on peer-reviewed databases to ascertain their assertion. These include MEDLINE, ERIC, CINAHL, Health Source, Social Science, Wiley, PsycINFO, and ScienceDirect. There were no limitations on the date of publication. Out of 124 studies conducted, the results prove that Australia and Europe excelled in collaborating organizational domain studies. North and Latin America, however, prioritized individual domain data. Also, Africa and Asia lacked consistency in the routine of data publications.

The researchers chose a secondary review of data sources to deduce action research across different platforms. However, making assertions on only 124 sources may likely seem inaccurate. While the statistical data may project a lack of consistency in Africa and Asia, it is possible that the effects were only limited to the data used. Instead, it would be more viable to assess big data and identify the consistency of action research. However, I find the choice of databases highly efficient in ensuring accurate outcomes from the study. All the databases used in this research are peer-reviewed (Cordeiro & Soares, 2018). As such, they adhere to strict scientific principles when assessing trends and concepts in healthcare. Therefore it is convincing that the study was accurate in its deductions.

Alilyyani, B., Wong, C. A., & Cummings, G. (2018). Antecedents, mediators, and outcomes of authentic leadership in healthcare: A systematic review. International journal of nursing studies, 83, 34-64.

The study aims to assess the implications of authentic leadership on the quality of care. While leadership is crucial in improving working conditions and enabling patient safety, little is known about the outcomes and antecedents of authentic leadership. Hence, Alilyyani, Wong, and Cummings (2018) conduct a study to identify authentic leadership’s mediators, outcomes, and antecedents. Through a systemic review of secondary sources, the researchers reviewed 11 peer-reviewed databases. These include ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, EMBASE, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, PsycINFO, Academic Search Complete, PubMed, CINAHL, ERIC, Scopus, Web of Science, and ABI Inform Dateline. Data analysis for the study included a narrative and descriptive synthesis. The study used content analysis to group mediators, antecedents, and outcomes and later compared the information to authentic leadership theory. Results from the study showed that the researchers screened 1036 abstracts and titles. Of these, only 136 manuscripts were chosen. Further scrutiny resulted in 38 manuscripts and 21 studies for the research. From the results, it was clear that there was an association between 43 outcomes with authentic leadership. Furthermore, there were 35 outcomes and 23 mediators when all the studies were included. This analysis argues that authentic leadership may be used to enhance leadership competence and improve outcomes.

It may be argued that leadership is a behavioral aspect in an organization. As such, it would be more logical to use qualitative data analysis to ascertain the efficacy of authentic leadership. However, it is convincing to use quantitative data analysis, as Alilyyani, Wong, and Cummings suggest (2018)The Implications Of Authentic Leadership On The Quality Of Care. If authentic leadership effectively enhances positive outcomes, then mediators and antecedents in the healthcare setting would reflect it. Therefore, it was thoughtful to scrutinize secondary sources on aspects of authentic leadership and their overall implications on the quality of care.

Okpala, P. (2018). Balancing quality healthcare services and costs through collaborative leadership. Journal of Healthcare Management63(6), e148-e157.

The study aims to identify the efficiency of collaborative leadership techniques in limiting the cost of healthcare. Participants conducted a quantitative review of 39 secondary sources. In each of these studies, the researchers identified exceptional leadership strategies incorporated by healthcare managers. The results from the study show that the pervasive form of leadership collaboration is intrahospital. It accounts for 53.8% of the total collaboration in a healthcare setting. Patient-based collaboration was also common, constituting 41.0% of the total collaboration (Okpala, 2018). Inter-organizational collaboration was the least common, with only 17.9% used in hospitals. The patient-based technique offered the best cost-reduction efficiency (31.9% ± 6.005). The inter-organizational collaboration offered the least efficacy in cost-effectiveness with a correlation score of (20.2% ± 4.229). The study attributed that the popularity of patient-based collaboration was to enhance the quality of care. There were insignificant implications of inter-organizational strategy on quality of care. Overall, the researchers propose the adoption of patient-based collaboration globally.

Assessing the convenience of leadership models in enhancing the cost of care should have incorporated primary data analysis. Rather than assess secondary sources, it would be more logical to design a hospital setup involving voluntary medical professionals. The different models of leadership would be adopted among different groups. The performance results and the overall effect on the cost of care would be analyzed routinely. Overall, a final assessment of the cost before and after using different models would offer an accurate perspective of their effects. Regardless, it is undoubted that the use of scholarly sources in the study might have improved the outcomes. Thus, it is conceivable for organizations to adopt patient-based collaboration strategies (Okpala, 2018). The technique is particularly essential considering the lack of reliable healthcare reforms in countries like the United States. Overall, this would ease access to care and improve outcomes for patients.



While quantitative study methods offer accurate perspectives of trends and concepts, their application depends on the context of the study. A competent researcher must understand when to adopt qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods. Incorporating the wrong study method will negatively impact the outcome of the study. From the analysis of the three different sources, it is evident that peer-reviewed sources are important in secondary data analysis. Understandably, medicine is an evidence-based discipline, and it requires accurate deductions to enhance the quality of care. Regardless, unfamiliar subjects must be reviewed using primary data analysis. Here, professionals could conduct field escapades and analyze a concept or trend in real-time The Implications Of Authentic Leadership On The Quality Of Care