The Importance Of A Multidisciplinary Team Discussion Paper

Discussion Response

Great Post! Your discussion provides a clear delineation of how to acquire evidence for practice problems and the type of resources to be used. I like that you choose CLABSI as your practice problem because it is a very common complication in the intensive care unit that requires immediate attention. Each year, these infections cause more than 28,000 fatalities and account for more than $2 billion in medical expenses (Wallace et al., 2019). I agree that the research on CLABSI should look at the multidisciplinary approach to its eradication. I believe that reducing CLABSI needs a multidisciplinary strategy that focuses on optimal practices for central line insertion and maintenance at the same time. The most up-to-date evidence for practitioner and nursing practice should be packed together into a holistic policy that includes a checklist and items to aid in the standardization of procedures (Gabel et al., 2021). Positive patient outcomes are dependent on the assessment and input of clinicians in the product selection process. You provide a great approach in terms of searching for the sources needed to explore a practice problem. Please remember to utilize a range of sources in your research to ensure that you acquire the greatest, most comprehensive, and up-to-date information possible. You should also be able to cross-check material from multiple sources The Importance Of A Multidisciplinary Team Discussion Paper.



Gabel, M. E., Neumeister, S. W., Meyers, J. M., & Schriefer, J. A. (2021). A quality improvement bundle to reduce ambulatory CLABSI: The importance of a multidisciplinary team. Pediatric Quality & Safety, 6(Supplement 5), e500.

Wallace, C., Sullivan, J., & Supan, E. (2019). QIM19-146: A multidisciplinary approach to conquer central-line associated blood stream infections: Establishing the continuum of prevention. Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 17(3.5), QIM19-146. The Importance Of A Multidisciplinary Team Discussion Paper

Evidence Necessary for Identified Practice Problem The evidence necessary for my identified practice problem will be evidence surrounding CLABSI. This evidence needs to be able to have a wide range of success in the research with small variations. The small variations to practice or how the implementation s is considered to be best as you want to close the gap on practice while narrowing the risk for a continual increase in CLABSI. Therefore, the research has been be as recent as possible and the research has to look at physician practice from insertion to sterile fields to nursing practice and interventions. The research should look at a multidisciplinary approach to the eradication of CLABSI. Types of Sources Need to be Explored In answering this question, all resources should be fair game for consideration. Since the problem is a wide-spread HAI throughout healthcare, nursing journals have answered the question on how to eliminate CLABSI The Importance Of A Multidisciplinary Team Discussion Paper.

Physician journals such as AMA is huge on evidence-based research and tackles a lot of the issues taking place in healthcare today and how physicians can tailor their standards of practice to render the best possible patient outcomes. In this situation one size will not fit all however, one sizable research should be able to encompass the problem while aiding in research to each provider’s practice. Where Evidence Might be Found Outside of “Typical” Avenues Besides exploring practice journals. There are healthcare groups or organizations that also have looked at the HAI concerns and have published a lot of research surrounding certain HAIs. Entities such as The Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS). CMS published expectations of healthcare organizations along with how to meet the requirement for conditions of participations (COP). “CMS develops Conditions of Participation (CoPs) and Conditions for Coverage (CfCs) that health care organizations must meet in order to begin and continue participating in the Medicare and Medicaid programs” (The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services [CMS], 2022, para. 5). These health and safety standards produced by CMS addresses issues seen world-wide and gives ideas seen in best practices for improving quality and protecting the health and safety of beneficiaries. Other entities like The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) The Importance Of A Multidisciplinary Team Discussion Paper.


Also published latest research that may benefit healthcare organizations and gives the health care provider an added resource on places to check to find out what’s happening in healthcare. One also has the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) to research, the National Infusion Society (NIS), and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). In thinking outside the box, as long as the information is tied to evidence-based research the evidence should be reviewed for validity. Not all resources are reliable and not all research that has been validated will be able to be implemented at particular hospitals. For this reason, the research has to be expanded to understand the magnitude of the problem while gathering a lot of information to answer the problem. References The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (2022). Conditions of particpation. The Importance Of A Multidisciplinary Team Discussion Paper