The Importance of Vaccines Essay Sample

Vaccines firstly appeared in the late 18th century for combating, utilizing, and avoiding both simple and complex illnesses. All over the globe scientists put forward theories, assume its practical impact, and conduct various studies to prove the essence and value of getting a vaccine. Despite some objections and concerns, a plethora of healthcare officials applies vaccines as one of the most significant breakthroughs in medicine of the contemporary world. Therefore, vaccination is essential as it protects one’s immune system from many diseases. The Importance of Vaccines Essay Sample

Many scholars and physicians have explained how vaccination impacts humans. Simply put, it cleans the body and prevents an organism from getting cold; having infections as well as it keeps a body healthier and stronger. Apparently, some people are more bound to be sick every month (less or more) than others. However, no one knows how the organism would react without vaccines. The sickness could be worse, so even if a person catches flu, it does not imply that vaccination is not useful. Some people claim that medicine has low quality, and immunity does not play any role in their health; although, even a small percentage of vaccine inside the body can impede some infectious diseases. The World Health Organization (1979) declared smallpox globally eradicated, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (1979) proclaimed polio eradicated in the United States. Other vaccines have managed to push various diseases to the brink of extinction, such as a tetanus and whooping cough. Many surveys and empirical research believe that vaccine is the best way to rebuild body, improve the immune system, and hinder a wide array of diseases. A fundamental human right to clean water can only perform better. Despite the fact that water and hygiene are the key factors to strengthen health system; they cannot save peoples from getting sick. Cleaning practices can assist to slow down some germs or get rid of minor bacteria, but only vaccination is the mechanism to avoid diseases. The Importance of Vaccines Essay Sample


Paradoxically, there is the lack of vaccine in undeveloped countries, such as Nigeria, Somalia, Vanuatu, and so on. These states would like to use vaccines to prevent themselves, and children in particular, from terrible respiratory diseases they face every time. Even such country as Ukraine is currently suffering from the lack of vaccine. The government does not buy it, so people have lesser and lesser chances to protect themselves from diseases. Regarding the advanced communities, especially the Western world – Europe and North & South America – get all options to be healthy, active, and safe from sudden diseases. The irony of life implies in inequality and unfairness: people likely to get infections cannot be vaccinated while people having no severe disorders through the air have a wide array of opportunities. That helps explain why vaccination rates are slightly lower for children living in poverty compared to those who are not (Lopez, 2016). High-quality healthcare should stand in the first place: one cannot buy health, but one can take actions to safeguard oneself.

Vaccination is such an important thing that scholars point out about the danger of unvaccinated people. The more people get the vaccine into their bodies; the more diseases will vanish. The term “herd immunity” refers to like the concept of getting a vaccine for everyone. Vaccinated people essentially act as barriers to outbreaks, since diseases cannot pass through them and infect others (Lopez, 2016). Moreover, much research shows that unvaccinated people not only likely to be sick always but affect the surroundings. As a result, healthcare is now focusing on the goal to vaccinate every human being to save the world. Over time, this would eradicate dangerous diseases — precisely, those that are exclusive to humans — by stopping them from spreading and developing in human hosts (Lopez, 2016). Hence, anti-vaccination proponents should think over before putting both themselves and the whole societies into a danger.The Importance of Vaccines Essay Sample

Every person wants the best for their children. During 2016, about 86% of infants worldwide (116.5 million infants) received three doses of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP3) vaccine, protecting them against infectious diseases that can cause severe illness and disability or be fatal. By 2016, 130 countries had reached at least 90% coverage of DTP3 vaccine (World Health Organization, 2018). It is not new that physicians require rigorous care of infants, especially in the beginning of their lives. Every country works under one medical system which includes vaccination of children from early days. One of the best ways to keep a child safe and the sound is to be sure and aware of all vaccines a baby should get. About 92 percent of children aged 19 to 35 months, for example, received a dose of the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine (Lopez, 2016). No need to forgo vaccination, because immunization can save a child’s life from their birth. Some diseases that once injured or killed thousands of children have been eliminated, and others are close to extinction– primarily due to safe and effective vaccines (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2017). The U.S. had a bad experience with polio, and many children were subjected to suffer from this disease, but with the help of vaccine implementation, polio disappeared. Vaccinations start early in life to protect children before they are exposed to these diseases (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2017). It occurs because children do not have a well-built immune system, so their organisms are more likely to get side-effects and various diseases. The dose and time of vaccination is the primary aspect. Some parents delay their children’ vaccines, but it is a real issue. There are the specific information, laws, and ruled to follow, so parents should pay more attention to vaccinate their babies right away.The Importance of Vaccines Essay Sample

The opponents of the anti-vaccination movement claim the variety of side-effects, although they convince themselves. These groups say that vaccines can lead to long-term health problems, particularly autism (Lopez, 2016). Some unreliable sources and surveys have found the link between vaccine and autism, so it has pushed some people to believe in its negative impact.   The evidence they cite tends to be cherry-picked and ignores the overwhelming scientific consensus, which has developed over decades of research, that vaccines are safe and effective (Lopez, 2016). The anti-vaccination movement is not a brand-new, and for sure, people will join it asserting themselves on the right side. What is hilarious is that much modern scientific research has established no relation between vaccine and autism. One meta-analysis published in 2009 in the Oxford Journals concluded vaccines and thimerosal, a mercury-containing compound found in some vaccines, does not cause autism (Plotkin, Gerber & Offit, 2009). They have only noticed some minor side-effects, such as a headache, sore throat, nausea, and others, which should be out of concerns. Healthcare experts stress the importance of vaccine and encourage everyone to be vaccinated so that the improvement of the health system will lead to herd immunity, which efficiently impedes any severe infectious diseases.


The world is rapidly changing, so are people. World Health Organization (WHO) is eagerly collaborating with countries to enhance healthcare and is mapping out the Global Vaccine Action Plan. GVAP is a roadmap to prevent millions of deaths through more equitable access to vaccines by 2020. To date, progress towards the GVAP targets is off track (World Health Organization, 2018). More than a hundred countries have been achieving the GVAP goals by improving immunization within states, optimizing performance and impact of vaccination, enlarging public health immunization services, and others. It requests the WHO Secretariat to continue supporting countries to achieve regional and global vaccination goals. It recommends scaling up advocacy efforts to improve understanding of the value of vaccines and urgency of meeting the GVAP goals (World Health Organization, 2018).  WHO puts high hopes for all the countries to conduct necessary measures to reach established targets. So, the new plan gives insight into the vital essence of vaccination throughout a lifetime and pulls up the whole nation to be aware of its role in everyone’s health.The Importance of Vaccines Essay Sample

One should grasp and encompass all essential provisions to be safe, healthy, and happy. The human nature sometimes slows people down, so they have no serious intentions to improve and protect themselves. Medicine and science have been proving and enhancing all points to consider and fulfill. Vaccination is the significant step on the way to be a better person, and to save not only oneself but the whole community. Therefore, countries cooperating with World Health Organization should put more concerns to the Global Vaccine Action Plan. If people want to save the world, they should start by themselves taking healthcare seriously. Public health officials and governments themselves are pushing people into a better economic, health, and personal prosperity. Public health officials say it is crucial the general population realize vaccines are safe and effective, so everyone who can get vaccinated. If enough people do not get vaccinated, pathogens are much more likely to find suitable hosts and cause significant outbreaks or epidemics (Lopez, 2016). The aim of treating is not harming, but safeguarding, impeding, and healing the whole nation from a wide range of diseases. Most of the time people do not feel the adverse effect until it is too late. Immunization is the way leading to a better life and a healthy resistant immune system. Health is not a game; it is a crucial factor for a happy life.The Importance of Vaccines Essay Sample