The Necessity Of Health Care Reform

With inflation exponentially rising every year, the menace also hits the health sector intensely. Both the unemployed and the working class have not been able to enjoy the best of health related facilities. This essentially indicates that the current strategies adopted by the authorities in the country certainly need the revision to make them more widespread and effective.The Necessity Of Health Care Reform

Thesis Statement

The government of any state is solely responsible to introduce new reforms if the already tested plans are not giving the required results. Also, medical care should be affordable and available to every citizen in the state.The Necessity Of Health Care Reform

The primary concern

There are many countries throughout the world who allocate major chunks of money for their health department like New Zealand, Switzerland, and Norway etc. amongst them, USA holds the most intriguing position. According to the report presented by The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), United States of America can easily qualify to be on the top of the list of countries that have a bizarre figure for health expenditures, For example, even four years back, in the year 2008, the per expenditure of the state was 7538 dollars (Squires, 2011). It is obvious that every year the amount of money spent or allotted to the health sector grows even further because of inflation. Hence once can say that the government has so far been generous in the distribution of funds for the health sector. Yet health related facilities and benefits are still not that common. The working middle class families still struggle to cope with the poor insurance policies. Also, necessary steps have not yet been taken to ensure “insurance for the homeless” (Squires, 2011).


Charity and welfare in Health Care

The governments are also trying to cater with the health related issues with the help of charity. For example, single payer health care systems still exist. Moreover, new tactics and plans were introduced and experimented and treaties and documents were signed in the hope of bringing something positive to the situation (Beaulieu, 1998). For example, in 2010, President Obama introduced and signed “The Patient Protection and Affordable Act”. The two fundamental aims included providing to over 30 million uninsured citizens, the necessary medical facilities and to improve the operational tactics of the insurance companies throughout for the health insured population (Jonathan , 2010).The Necessity Of Health Care Reform

Awareness Programmes

The government arranged various awareness programmes in different countries. This is to spread the word about the causes, symptoms, preventive measure, and medical procedures that need to be adopted for common, rare, fatal and casual diseases. People from every walk of life are also encouraged to use internet as a medium to find better information about the disease.

Over Insurance

Paying out of pocket for the medical care is a tremendous burden on people especially in rigorous economic times like at present. Yet the governments have failed to deal with “over insurance”. The Necessity Of Health Care Reform