The Principles And Models Of Clinical Governance Discussion

Clinical Governance (CG) can be described as the system that promotes Organisations for continually improving the quality of services and are accountable for maintaining high standards of care by forming the setting in which there can be flourishment of clinical excellence. Maintaining core value of the healthcare institutions is indeed important, from worldwide aspect. There are many clinical governance frameworks and pillars exist but the ultimate focus is on safe delivering, effectiveness and person- centred care to each and every patient. Clinical Governance was originated in the United Kingdom (UK) following a high level of events that was adversely deeming for the patient and was avoidable (Price et al., 2020)The Principles And Models Of Clinical Governance Discussion.


In late 1990’s According to World Health Organization (WHO), currently 155 countries are updated as per governance plan in national health strategy (WHO, 2021). In order to mitigate adverse events of future, Compliance Government was implemented as the system to reform that can describe the dearth of safety and quality care practice to be commenced to lessen the potentiality within healthcare (Price et al., 2020). In United Kingdom, clinical governance success has observed its implementation in several countries which also includes Australia, and has refined the needs required in their own healthcare systems. Clinical governance relies on the involvement of successful implementation as well as on-going improvement that contributes the feedback from the involved groups- governing bodies, managers, clinicians and the patients (ACSQHC, 2017). Individual role is responsible for the influential factors to direct the healthcare that is undertaken currently as well as the required needs to be tailored in order to meet the health needs that is changing, from future aspects. Staff employment must demonstrate strong leadership, efficient management and a better inclusive culture within the healthcare organisations. This could aid the clinical governance to execute reinforcement of staff accountability and responsibility and the required undertaken duties with an accordance of existing policies and actions that can meet National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards (ASCQHC, 2021)The Principles And Models Of Clinical Governance Discussion.

This paper will discuss regarding the Clinical Governance (CG) that is integrated into the practice in Australian healthcare as well as ensuring staff and culture importance to ensure successful implementation within the organisation.

The principles and models of clinical governance in the Australian health care setting

Clinical Governance is based on the principle of associations and responsibilities which is being established by the health service organization (Smallwood, 2019). Department of health under this, is between state or territory to ensure better clinical outcomes in terms of governing body, executive, workplace, patients, consumers as well as other stakeholders. The community and organization of health service ensures that the system must be confident while delivering safe and high- quality service of healthcare and hence improvising services.

The National Model of the Clinical Governance provides a consistent framework for National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards. Governing figure holds a responsibility such as clinical governance board which is an integrated element of overall accountability and responsibility (Smallwood, 2019)The Principles And Models Of Clinical Governance Discussion. According to broader system, it includes component such as- corporate governance, clinical governance involving set of leadership behaviors, policies, procedures, monitoring and improvement mechanisms that focuses to ensure better clinical outcomes. Therefore, clinical governance system for organization of health service requires to be conceptualized as a system in the healthcare system which implies clinical governance in the corporate governance system.

LO 1: Critique Best Practice Principles For Governance In The Clinical Environment

Clinical governance stands on the seven pillars that describes best principles in clinical environment:

  • Clinical effectiveness- involves treatment that provide better outcome of the patient.
  • Risk management- involves different ways for managing risk and ensuring accidents do not occur.
  • Involvement of Patient and public- interacting with the patients and public to ensure quality of care and other possible problems.
  • Audit- involves monitoring of clinical care quality being carried out.
  • Staff management- involves for ensuring for the employs suitable for carrying out the task.
  • Education & training- involves continuous training to ensure up-to-date knowledge.
  • Information- involves patient’s information must be up-to-date and correct on any of the systems utilized.

Clinical Governance is being considered as equally important to financial governance, risk governance and other governance such as Human Resources, Legal. Corporate governance that includes decisions related to other aspects may have the direct affect on the quality care and safety; as well as clinical care decisions having an impact on direct affect from the part of corporate governance that includes financial performance and risk management (Smallwood, 2019)The Principles And Models Of Clinical Governance Discussion. Ultimately, governing bodies are accountable for building good corporate governance along with clinical governance. Without any profound engagement, clinical services cannot govern bodies of the working-skilled clinicians at all the levels of an organization. To ensure safety and quality of clinical care, governing bodies members, clinicians and managers possesses individual as well as collective responsibilities which is being reflected in NSQHS Standards, amongst which few responsibilities are critiques in related ‘Professional Codes of Conduct’.

The Commission was developed by Council of Australian Governments to improve the healthcare system within 4 prioritised specific areas (ACSQHC, 2019). These include- safe delivery; overall quality of partnering with consumers; partnering with the healthcare providers and good healthcare services associated with values and outcomes. These priorities were formulated according to National Health Reform Act, 2011 in which communication is being ensured by the commission of the legislation provided through frameworks and national standards in order to develop policies of the organization at national, state as well as local level (ACSQHC, 2019)The Principles And Models Of Clinical Governance Discussion.

The 8 standards of NSQHS aligns along-with WHO recommendations and are considered to meet requirements of the patient including standards of clinical governance (ACSQHC, 2021). It is a healthcare organisation resource for ensuring management on safety or quality within 5 areas- governance; quality; leadership; clinical performance; effectiveness; safe situation for care delivery; safety of the patient as well as quality structures as well as associating with the consumers. The main determination behind this is of staff employment encouragement within position of the management, development plans, review, data collection, audit process and eradicating possible risks (ASCQHS, 2021)The Principles And Models Of Clinical Governance Discussion.

Relate how organizational culture, leadership and management can impact the efficacy of governance models

Organizational culture can be achieved by safe and quality care which is required for clinical governance for each organisational workforce that can align with the healthcare system of clinical governance structures. According to clinical settings, leaders can be considered as a key influencer that can promote changes and keep engaged with clinical governance (Brown, 2020). Leaders in the profession of nursing may not possess power of formal holdings but they still apply impact on a best practice to adhere with and to provide care delivery (Cope & Murray, 2017)The Principles And Models Of Clinical Governance Discussion. In day-to-day practice, implementation of clinical governance needs strong leadership styles, effective management and certain workplace culture as it inspires and supports the healthcare organisations.

Leadership is the organizational behaviour that can be described by the person who do not necessarily possesses a management position (Trépanier et al., 2020). There are two main leadership styles of clinical environment- Relational (i.e., Transformational and Emotional Intelligence) and Task-focused style (i.e., Transactional and Laissez-faire) (Cope & Murray, 2017).

LO 2: Examine How The National Safety And Quality Health Service Standards Govern Clinical Practice

Management principle used by healthcare organization shares few attributes that includes practices, values, beliefs and communication style that shapes the expectations of surrounding behaviour and other social interactions within the organisation (Day, 2019). This overall influences outcomes of the patient and staffing (Murray et al., 2020). Cultures of an organizational management involves valuing novelty, accomplishment, accountability, contribution, managing and devotion with the rules that are allied with the better structural change and improvement of quality care (Mannion & Davies, 2018)The Principles And Models Of Clinical Governance Discussion.

Organizational culture of healthcare shares thoughts, feelings and behaviour of the team and comprises of positive influence on staff dynamics, improvement of quality and outcomes of the patient (Mannion & Davies, 2018).

Leadership and management style correlates between the culture and quality improvement in order to achieve better outcomes that relies on management of strong leadership and willingness of staff for engagement (Mannion & Davies, 2018). The Nurse Unit Managers in ward setting, manages and coordinates resources and staffing, task performance and leadership support and encourages the team members. NUMs monitors the organizational policy and maintains clinical governance compliance amongst the nursing staffs of ward (Phillips et al., 2017). NUMs needs leadership skills and robust communication to promote optimum performance and well-being of the staffs (Phillips et al., 2017). Promoting experienced clinicians to the management position instead of non-clinical management style, lessens the conflicts and resistance of frontline staff from incongruent priorities (Day, 2019)The Principles And Models Of Clinical Governance Discussion.



Therefore, this can be concluded that clinical governance of healthcare system has an excellent impact on outcomes of the healthcare for the patients as well as providing a healthcare structure to the staffs performing their duties. Quality care must be provided by the clinicians with safety and standard practices to achieve better patient outcomes. Leaders and managers of healthcare system motivates and inspires the systems and policies of clinical governance, boosting positive workplace cultures to improve job satisfaction. Hence, this encourages accountability, effective management and quality improvement of clinical governance systems to enable best patient outcome The Principles And Models Of Clinical Governance Discussion