The Theme of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually Transmitted Diseases are without any doubts one of the most serious challenges for the modern world. There is a number of biological, behavioral and social factors, which have strong impact upon spreading of STD. They are easily passed from one person to the other during their sexual contact. Statistically around 12 million people in America have faced STD, among them are 3 million teenagers. Such annual statistical data forces everybody to react. Not all individuals are aware of the fact that STD are very dangerous not only for the state of health of the infected individual, but also for their children in the future.The Theme of Sexually Transmitted Diseases The theme of STD is widely discussed in the modern world, however mostly individuals are ashamed to ask direct questions and seek for help openly and this fact only worsens the final outcomes and the overall situation in general. This means that there is a strong need to work out the strategies and such approaches, which would contribute to facing the challenge of rapid transmitting of STD and their negative outcomes for human health. The major aim of this creative project is to make STD prevention an important public health care concern. As many individuals as possible should be into the project and they should be familiarized with the situation of STD epidemiology, they should know about the current barriers for treating STD and finally be ready to take personal participation in prevention of STD in various ways. There is no ways that such problem as STD could be solved if it is treated only from one side of medical professionals for example. Modern world is based upon information, information is everywhere and it could be easily passed from one user to the other, but the problem is that there is too much information and really necessary and important information could be easily lost in the overall flow. This is the reason, why creative project could be the best solution for informing people about the risks, related to STD, and looking for possible solutions to the problem. So the first thing I wanted to start with in my project is related exactly to education or in other words to providing the needed information in such a form that it would not overload people and would be easily perceived by them, irrespective of their age and level of their education. Some of them are already aware of the fact that the STD rates in Miami are terribly high and have reached their maximum in comparison to other states. Moreover, people should be aware of the fact that this issue is not important only for one state or one country, rather this is a global issue, and this urges as many people, as it is possible participate in solving it. The Theme of Sexually Transmitted Diseases


Along with theoretical part of this creative project, there was also its practical part, which included distribution of condoms to males and females, as a way to encourage their safe sexual contacts and paying special attention to their health issues. Regular testing is the second option, which is often ignored by most individuals, as nobody really wants to think that there is something wrong with his health. However, being sure that you are safe and healthy is much more important for everybody. The impact of this project was positive, as I work on South Beach and this area is populated. Generally similar creative projects could become a great contribution into STD management strategies. For improving of this project I would offer adding some artistic theme, bodyart or something similar in order to attract attention of younger generations and teenagers more.

Works cited:

Gross Gerd, Tyring, Stephen K. Sexually transmitted infections and sexually transmitted diseases. Heidelbergh: Springer Verlag, 2011The Theme of Sexually Transmitted Diseases