Theories to Improve Patient Care and Outcomes

Nursing theory present a different form of outlook that describes the experience of nursing, describe the patient, when nursing is required, and to recognize the limitations and objectives of nursing’s curative actions. a number of nursing theorists concentrate on care models that, partly or wholly, replicate and have an impact on nursing beliefs and practice. Some theories are controlled by philosophy such as Sister Caliista Roy’s adaptation model, sciences and clinical practice in which she familiarized the flexibility of an individual body and soul. Roy views the objective of nursing as encouraging adjustment to add to a person’s wellbeing, value of existence and failing with pride (Miles et al, 2010, pg 73). This theory is significant, because the body and spirit are matchless and until these constituents are dealt with as a whole, there is no expectation of cure, wellness or approval. Theories to Improve Patient Care and Outcomes


Joyce Travelbee founded her theory upon the interpersonal practices amid two persons, one who calls for help due to poor health and the other who is capable of providing that support (Chinn, 2011, pg. 83). The objective of the practice is to help a patient deal with a sickness, gain knowledge from it, find connotation in and develop from that incident. The capability of the nurse to comprehend and deal with pain and distress are vital in this theory. An individual’s outlook towards pain eventually verifies how well that someone will deal with sickness. Similarly, Ida Jean Orlando Pelletier centers her theory on the nurse-patient interpersonal practice (Chinn, 2011, pg. 85). Orlando hypothesizes that the nurse upholds closely controlled procedures and a trained response, which calls for constant self-reflection whilst investigating the implication of a patient’s conduct and opinion. The nurse could then investigate and confirm the significance of his/her opinions with the client. Through the practice, mix-ups and misconceptions are reduced. Consequently, patient satisfaction, ease and actions pick up, resulting in an enhanced sense of health. Thriving nurses use nursing theory and pursue essential principles, whether knowingly or unknowingly, daily during patient care to improve patient care and outcomes. Theories to Improve Patient Care and Outcomes