Transformational Roles of FNP And BSN Nurses

Globally, most healthcare systems are facing challenges to provide high quality, timely, and cost-effective primary healthcare services. One of the major contributing factors to the demand and supply of primary care providers in the growing shortage of primary care physicians. As a result, in the USA, and globally, most policymakers contemplate different models to deliver care and meet the demand for primary care. As stated by Poghosyan, Liu & Norful (2017), one of the most commonly utilized strategies to increase the general capacity of primary care is the maximum utilization of nurse practitioners and registered nurses. Several healthcare organizations in the US have implemented reforms to shift tasks inpatient care from physicians to NPs to maximize the healthcare workforce capacity. This paper distinguishes the transformational leadership roles of FNPs and BSN nurses. Both BSN nurses and NPs have a significant role in helping to meet the primary care services demands and form an integral part of the American healthcare workforce.Transformational Roles of FNP And BSN Nurses


Differences in Leader Roles in Nursing Practice

Nursing literature reveals nursing leadership as a multifaceted and highly complex process in practice that comprises of motivating, providing support and direction, advocacy, coordination, and effectively communicating with patients for optimal health outcomes. As one of the most versatile occupations since its development and promotion by Florence Nightingale, nursing has reinvented itself gradually. Due to its adaptive capacity and versatility, there are new career paths that attract a broader and largely talented workforce of responsibilities as an enabling force for change in healthcare delivery.

The aim of the transformational leadership roles of both BSN nurses and FNP is to achieve compassionate and competent patient care. BSN nurses liaise with other healthcare providers to provide direct patient care as specified in the medical plan (Barton, 2017). In contrast, FNPs create the plan for patient care in collaboration with other providers and supervise other medical professionals including BSN nurses (Keeling, 2015). They have a wider patient oversight, and load compared to BSN nurses and can have longer relationships with patients based on the setting.

Differences in FNP and BSN Nurses Transformational Leadership Roles

Although the transformational leadership roles of FNPs may vary by state, as their independence level and scope of nursing practice, generally, FNPs use a family-centered approach to execute their roles in disease prevention, health promotion, and intervention. FNPs also coordinate the care of patients within a family setup with other healthcare providers using specialized knowledge. According to Keeling (2015), coordination involves monitoring overall health and wellness, making referrals, managing acute and chronic illnesses, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, prescribe drugs, and manage chronic conditions of people of all ages within a family setup. They demonstrate leadership in retail clinics, schools, hospitals, and private practice in well-served or underserved communities to track the health histories of one or more family members over time (Keeling, 2015). As a result, they familiarize themselves with all the details of a family’s history. FNPs purpose to ensure that everyone within the family setup is educated about wellness, health, and disease prevention across the lifespan which promotes an environment where all family members are empowered and engaged.

In comparison, the transformational leadership roles of BSN nurses encompass providing preventive and medical support care with regards to conducting physical assessments, medication administration, and ordering labs depending on areas of specialization. BSN nurses work in multidisciplinary teams to monitor, record and report any changes in a patient’s condition. BSN nurses supervise other nursing team members to order diagnostic tests, supervise less certified or skilled nurses, prepare patients for treatment and examination (Barton, 2017). They also advise and educate patients and their families on a wide range of health conditions.Transformational Roles of FNP And BSN Nurses


Barton, A. J. (2017). Role of the RN in primary care: Implications for nursing education. Journal of Nursing Education56(3), 127-128.

Keeling, A. W. (2015). Historical perspectives on an expanded role for nursing. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing20(2).

Poghosyan, L., Liu, J., & Norful, A. A. (2017). Nurse practitioners as primary care providers with their patient panels and organizational structures: A cross-sectional study. International journal of nursing studies74, 1–7.

Transformational Roles of FNP And BSN Nurses