Traumatic Brain Injury and Its Implications Paper

There is no use denying the fact that a human being is a very sophisticated creature that has a great number of various mechanisms that regulate its functioning and behavior. Every mechanism is responsible for a certain kind of activity and performs various actions and tasks. Their efficient functioning is vital for the existence of a human being and its ability to act and live. However, it should also be said that these mechanisms are controlled by the organ that is extremely vital for any creature. Being a command center that controls all functions of the organism, the brain is the vital organ in which functioning determines the manner of behavior and a great number of other functions. That is why its traumatic injury can have a great negative impact on the life of a person.Traumatic Brain Injury and Its Implications Paper

Nevertheless, resting on the great importance of the given issue, there is a great number of articles and works devoted to the investigation of the main aspects of the functioning of the brain and the impact which the traumatic injury can have on it. Thus, it should also be said that it is quite simple to be injured and obtain serious damage even without some serious accident. That is why, it becomes obvious that not only scientists but common people should also have some information connected with the traumatic brain injuries, their main classification and the aftermath for people. Resting on these very facts, Pangilinan (2015) devotes the article to some general aspects of traumatic brain injuries, trying to outline the most important aspects of the given issue.

Besides, being oriented not only to scientists but towards the common people to, the article by Pangilinan (2015) revolves around the most important definitions and notions of the given sphere. The method chosen by the author lies in the attempt not to go into the specialized and sophisticated details of traumatic brain injury, however, to show readers the most important facts that should be known to protect themselves. The author also reviews the existing literature devoted to the chosen sphere to present clear and, at the same time, correct classification of the main kinds of traumatic brain injuries and their possible aftermath. That is why the chosen methods help Pangilinan to convey the information and cover the topic.Traumatic Brain Injury and Its Implications Paper


Thus, it should be said that in the course of the article the author manages to provide some important information connected with the issue of traumatic brain injuries. First of all, a clear and understandable definition of brain injury is given. It becomes obvious that it is the kind of trauma that makes the further existence of a person complicated and can even lead to death (Pangilinan, 2015). Additionally, the classification, which revolves around the primary and secondary injuries, is also provided by the author. Trying to suggest various types of classification, including the one that bases on the degree of severity, the author underlines the fact that it is vital to determine the precise kind of trauma as it could save the life of the patient.

Thus, it should be said that Pangilinan (2015) concludes that traumatic brain injury is a very important issue that should be investigated not only by specialists. That is why the general characteristics of various kinds of traumas are provided for common people to get to know about them. Nevertheless, the author also concludes that resting on the severity of the trauma, a person could suffer from various aftermath, starting from a headache and ending with death. That is why timely classification and ability to recognize the first symptoms of the given problem could save the life of a patient. Due to this fact, the given article could be taken as very informative and helpful.

However, at the same time, it is obvious that to investigate the issue better and understand the main mechanisms of the development of brain injuries and the main ways to help people recover from them the knowledge of their main symptoms and classification is not enough. That is why, a certain experiment should be conducted to understand some important processes that occur in the injured brain and the study, which investigates the results of this experiment, should also be organized.Traumatic Brain Injury and Its Implications Paper

With this in mind, it is possible to mention the paper by Finnie and Blumbergs (2002) devoted to the investigation of the traumatic process with the help of animal models. There is no use denying the fact that various species have been used in science to conduct various experiments for a long time. That is why this practice could be used in the sphere of traumatic injuries to investigate it better. Besides, the authors outline two main reasons for the given paper which are the fact that traumatic injuries are the leading cause of death in people under 45 and the failure of various clinical trials to achieve success in this sphere (Finnie & Blumbergs, 2002).

That is why the Finnie and Blumbergs paper revolves around various kinds of animal models and experiments connected with them. Using investigation and scientific observation as the main methods for their research, the authors outline the main peculiarities of the behavior of animals, who suffer from various kinds of traumatic brain injuries. Experiments are organized for various kinds of brain injuries that are classified by the accepted rules. Moreover, the authors create various computer models to predict the development of different kinds of traumatic brain injuries and compare their suggestions with animal models. Finally, investigation of the influence of stimuli on the process of development of injuries is also performed by the authors. Laminagram is also used in the process of investigation of the given issue to show the differences in the brains of animals.

With this in mind, it is possible to say that the authors obtain the results which show that the process of development of traumatic brain injury could be investigated with the help of various scientific methods and animal models (Finnie & Blumbergs, 2002).

Additionally, the authors conclude that the further usage of the animal models could help to improve the situation in the given sphere and obtain some information connected with the development of injuries and the process of recovery of a patient who suffers from them. The information about the pathogenesis obtained in the course of the experiment (Finnie & Blumbergs, 2002) could become very helpful for the further investigation of the issue.Traumatic Brain Injury and Its Implications Paper

Thus, it should also be said that the issue of traumatic brain injuries is studied from another perspective, which is, though, similar to the previous one. The fact is, that the process of resuscitation of patients, who suffer from traumatic brain injuries, is a very complicated and long-termed procedure. Hulme (2008) in his article underlines the fact that with the lack of scientific treatments, connected with the given sphere, the life of these patients could become very limited and complicated. That is why, he outlines the necessity of the new stimulus for the given sphere to create the approach that could help patients to resuscitate and restore their functions (Hulme, 2008). Besides, the author also cogitates about the most important methods that could be used to achieve the outlined target and help to create an efficient procedure of recovery.

Resting on all these facts, it is possible to say that the last two articles, mentioned in the given paper, suggest a more scientific approach to the issue of traumatic brain injuries, investigating it from various perspectives and conducting complicated and important experiments which could help to study the process better, while the first article presents some general knowledge of the given sphere which is clear for the common people.Traumatic Brain Injury and Its Implications Paper

Finally, it is possible to say that the information presented in the given work provides some opportunities for further discussion of the given issue. The main peculiarities of animal models and experiments connected with it could be used for the further investigation of the main peculiarities of the development of brain injuries. Moreover, taking into account the great importance of the process of resuscitation of patients suffering from brain injuries, it is possible to predict that animal models could also be used for the creation of practices that could help people to recover faster.


Finnie, J., & Blumbergs, P. (2002). Traumatic Brain Injury. Veterinary Pathology, 39(6), 679-689. Web.

Hulme, J. (2008). Resuscitation of patients after traumatic brain injury. Trauma 10(1), 55-63. Web.

Pangilinan, P. (2015). Classification and Complications of Traumatic Brain Injury. Web.Traumatic Brain Injury and Its Implications Paper