Traumatic Brain Injury Essay

Traumatic brain injury is one of the consequences of a physical injury of a brain, done by some external force, sometimes it is also called intracranial injury. In order to describe the type of the injure, certain classification was worked out, thus TBI could be subdivided into closed or penetrating injury, also there are various types distinguished on the bases of the concrete place of this injury. Head injury is also one of the types of TBI, however, it could involve not only damaging of brain, but also of skull. TBI is one of the most widespread causes of death and disabilities in the whole world, with the aim of mitigating the consequences of TBI, there were various approaches of adaptation worked out for such individuals.Traumatic Brain Injury Essay

TBI could be risky for children, as well as adult people, whereas men are more inclined to it, than women. The main causes of TBI could be related to violence, accidents, falls and so on. There were certain prevention means worked out, like for example using of protective clothing during various traumatic kinds of sports, protection technologies for automobiles, including belts of helmets for motorcycles and so on. Brain traumas could be worsened by secondary injuries, taking place after the first damage; to them belong alterations of blood flow, pressure in the skull and so on. Consequently TBI has absolutely negative effects upon emotional, social, cognitive states of individuals, leading to partial or complete disability. Various types of therapies, such as recreational, occupational, physical, speech therapies were worked out for rehabilitation for patients, after they are diagnosed TBI.Traumatic Brain Injury Essay


One of the most often experienced problems of the patients with TBI is depression, which is related to cognitive and emotional outcomes of the injury. Up to 77 % of all patients suffer from depression either immediately after the trauma or some time later. In some cases depression is accompanied by paranoid, schizoid and avoidant personalities. The medical treatment of depression is dependant upon the concrete individual damages, which caused the depression. Often cognitive or psychotherapy are applied, the directions of which are selected on the basis of emotional state and psychosocial factors in each individual case.

A lot of attention should be paid to adopting the home atmosphere and making the necessary corrections in communication environment for patients after TBI. At any rate they will have to face their everyday duties and tasks at home and this process should be simplified for them. Rehabilitation is without any doubts a rather long process, however, application of some strategies might make their life easier immediately. During direct communication for example the rest members of the family should not talk too quickly, should be calm and friendly, provide more time to the person to consider the information and to respond to it.Traumatic Brain Injury Essay

One of the central places is occupied by occupational adaptation for the patients after traumatic brain injuries. Based on the numerous researches and studies conducted, it is possible to conclude that individuals reported positive changes in their self-identification in case they are occupied. Thus engagement into occupation is closely related to self-identification for an individual, and becomes an important part of the whole rehabilitation program.

One of the newest approaches, which is considered to be an innovation in adaptation for the individuals, who suffered from TBI, is application of music-based interventions. Such problems as anxiety, depression and agitation could be if not solved completely, but at least sufficiently mitigated with the help of music – based interventions.Traumatic Brain Injury Essay

Overall, traumatic brain injury is a serious diagnosis for both children and adult people; in most cases it is followed by death or disability. In order to cope with numerous negative effects and consequences of disability of these patients, there were various approaches of adaptation worked out.


Khan F, Baguley I.J, Cameron I.D. (2003). Rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury. Med J Aust. 178:290–5Traumatic Brain Injury Essay