Usefulness of Benner’s Work Paper

  Patricia Benner’s work has contributed significantly to the roles of nurses. Her theory creates the impression that patients can recover and grow in a healthy and creative way as they rely on the works and care done by the nurses. Whether a nurse is a beginner (novice) and has no experience or an expert who has the mastery of the nursing principles in terms of rules, guidelines and principles, care can be accorded to the patient in a systematic and professional way without role conflicts. Benner’s contribution helps nurses to utilize the resources available with passion as they offer services to the patients. These contributions are important in my present role as a nurse supervisor in a home care agency, as they help to apply past experiences as the foundation guide to the daily problems in a nursing environment.Usefulness of Benner’s Work Paper


As Benner indicated, caring is the central focal point of a nurse as it gives the opportunity to connect with others while at the same time give help to those in need (Judith 141). This entails personal concerns for others in events, projects and other aspects that may concern the patients or the nurses. Benner’s theory helps me in my role as nurse supervisor in a home care agency. The theory guides me in supervising all the affairs of the patients ranging from their needs, activities that ought to be carried out regarding the patients as well as giving due care to patients who are in the facility. This is important because it helps in coordinating activities that other nurses ought to be performing in order to ensure smooth flow of activities.  Usefulness of Benner’s Work Paper

Using Benner’s stages in clinical competence stages, from novice to expert, I am able to know how to allocate duties in the facility without creating conflict or distributing work to those who are unable to fulfill their duties because of their level of expertise. Since I know the qualifications of a novice nurse, I am able to allocate them work that relates to their experience and exposure to the job, the same case applies to the advanced beginners, the competent nurse, the proficient and the expert nurse. This helps me in work delegation within the facility. As an expert in nursing, I am able to improve the communication issues in the facility, deal effectively with interruptions that may arise as well as anticipate the various needs of the patients. This helps me to create harmony in the facility between the other nurses, the patients, and their families. This is vital as it helps in creating and maintaining ethical relationships with all stakeholders in the facility. Usefulness of Benner’s Work Paper

Benner’s contributions have therefore helped the facility to maintain a healthy work environment while promoting learning and caring culture. This is observed when the expert nurses help the beginners and the advanced beginners learn how proper care is given the patients. Because the nurses in the facility are able to work as per their experiences, there is increased self-confidence in them and this improves patients’ safety while reducing conflicts. The works of Benner are vital in any facility and nursing situation since they help in the promotion of the existing nurses, when orienting new nurses and when increasing clinical knowledge in the care of hospitalized patients and other outpatients (Alligood 131). The theories and concepts brought about by Benner help nurses to support each other and appreciate the framework for lifelong learning through practice, research as well as education.Usefulness of Benner’s Work Paper