Vegetarianism and Health Exemplification Essay

Vegetarian diets have become a trend in the 21ST century. People from all over the world follow the lead of organic eating movement since no-meat nutrition is beneficial for human health. One should, however, note that this type of diet poses some substantial risks as well.Vegetarianism and Health Exemplification Essay

First, the health problem in vegetarians often starts with an inability to substitute animal resources for the appropriate nutrients. Consequently, an organism lacks such valuable sources of vitamin D, calcium, and protein (Myers par. 3).

Second, vegetarian diets are low in fat and do not provide a sufficient amount of cholesterol. The shortage may inflict such grave consequences on human health as heart failures and coronary diseases, obesity, and cancer (“Vegetarian Diets” par. 2).

Third, vegetarianism accounts for a small density of bone minerals. This problem states from an inadequate consumption of iron and vitamin D. The experts suggest that the shortage of these sources may result in bone breakages (Handler par. 7).Vegetarianism and Health Exemplification Essay


Plant-based diets are particularly dangerous for pregnant and lactating women. Thus, a woman, who is preparing to be a mother or feeds her child with a breast milk must realize that she needs some valuable nutrients not only for herself but a baby as well (Kovacs par. 1).

The doctors claim that vegetarian diets pose a threat to the health of women since they inflict menstrual disruption as well as infertility (Pills and Stec 10).

Finally, the lack of valuable nutrients that may be found in animal sources accounts for the production of various hormones. For instance, cholesterol controls the level of testosterone (Gunnars par. 5).Vegetarianism and Health Exemplification Essay

Therefore, vegetarian diets are beneficial for human health only if they are properly balanced. That is why, it is recommended to consult a doctor before embracing the plant-based nutrition.

Works Cited

Gunnars, Kris. Top 5 Reasons why Vegan Diets Are a Terrible Idea. 2013. Web.

Handler, Judd. Side Effects of Becoming Vegetarian. 2012. Web.

Kovacs, Betty. What Are the Potential Dangers of Consuming the Various Kinds of Vegetarian and Vegan diets? 2015. Web.

Myers, Wyatt. The Potential Health Risks of a Vegetarian Diet. 2014. Web.

Pills, Wren and Kris Stec. “Health Benefits and Risk Associated with Adopting a Vegetarian Diet.” Roczniki Panstwowego Zakladu Higieny 65.1 (2014): 9-14.Vegetarianism and Health Exemplification Essay