Visions And Values Of Health Paper

It is a common observation throughout the history and across the world that being a physician means something special, i.e. it puts additional accountabilities on a person. Fundamentally, the reason why people go to physicians is the great desire to get relief from suffering and pain and to restore their health. For this purpose, most of the time, people allow physicians touch, see and examine their entire bodies, including the intimate parts. The prime reason why people do so is their utter faith in the physicians that they will act in a way which will be beneficial for them. Physicians have varying statuses based on the country in which they are practicing; however, in common, it appears to be dwindling (Seedhouse, 2009, pp. 21-35).Visions And Values Of Health Paper

A number of physicians believe that they are no longer respected as they used to be once. In a few countries, bureaucrats and professional engineers have acquired the control over healthcare services from the physicians. Amongst these managers and bureaucrats, a few believe that physicians are hurdles rather than alliances in reforms of healthcare (Dracopoulou, 1998, pp. 155-168).


Nowadays, patients sometime ask physicians to defend their recommendations, if the patients have acquired advice from any other source prior to consulting the doctor. These sources include advice from the internet or other health practitioners. Some procedures, which were previously performed only by physicians, can be carried out by paramedic or nurses, in today’s world (Duncan, 2009, pp. 58-60).

Regardless, of the changes occurring with respect to the status of the physician, medicine is still considered as a noble profession by people who are in need of health care services. It also keeps attracting great numbers of the most dedicated, hard-working and gifted students. Thus, meeting the hopes of students and patients requires physicians that they must have knowledge about the underlying values of medicine and must practice them, in particular. Practicing medical values, while paying respect to the fundamental human rights, provides the basis of ethics in medicine (Fulford et al, 2002, pp. 70).Visions And Values Of Health Paper


Who decides what Ethical in Medicine is?

The question what Ethical in Medicine is, remains a controversy amongst physicians to date. From the very beginning, this profession has introduced its own behavioural principles which the members of the medical profession must exercise. These behavioural principles are articulated in the ethical codes and other policy documents associated with them. At international level, the World Medical Association determines broad array of ethical assertions, which stipulates the required behaviour for physician, regardless of the location of their practice. If not most, then, in a number of countries, the country’s medical associations are held responsible for formulating and implementing the ethical standard applicable, depending on the approach which the country holds for medical law. A few or all of these standards are subject to legal actions (Ashcroft et al., 2007, pp. 101-105). Visions And Values Of Health Paper