NR661 APN Capstone Portfolio Part 2

This portfolio presents a compilation of my reflection during my journey in the nursing education program at the Chamberlain College of Nursing, which will result in an award for a Master’s of Science in Nursing. The reflection involves the program outcomes; the Core Competencies of the National Organization of Nurse Practitioners Faculties; and Master’s Education Essentials. The document will analyze ten exemplars to examine how the above requirements were integrated.NR661 APN Capstone Portfolio Part 2

Exemplar # 1. NR 601. Care of Aged Family Practice

This course involved studying the common health challenges and healthcare needs among older adults. The assignment I chose was about polypharmacy which is a key concern among the geriatric population. From this assignment, I learned that risk factors to polypharmacy among the older adults include multiple healthcare providers treating and prescribing for one patient; comorbidities where a patient is several medications to treat various conditions; and old age because old age is associated with the likelihood of developing medical conditions. Evidence indicates that polypharmacy is a major concern among older adults because older adults are at an increased risk of having adverse drug reactions due to metabolic changed and decreased drug clearance due to aging; the risk exacerbates with multiple medications.


Chamberlain Program Outcomes

The lessons in this course met Chamberlain’s program outcome #5: “Advocates for positive health outcomes through compassionate, evidence-based, collaborative advanced nursing practice”. For example, when a patient presented in the office and reported low blood pressure and was taking multiple medications, together with my preceptor and in collaboration with the pharmacist, we reviewed his medications and made a decision to lower his metoprolol dose and educated the patient to regularly review his heart rate and continue logging his BP. With this, I use Chamberlain’s program outcome #5 which supports positive outcomes through evidence-based and collaborative practice. Coordination and providing seamless care for the older adults fulfill the Chamberlain’s program outcome #5.

AACN MSN Essentials

The course met the MSN Essential VII, which highlights the significance of “Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes. As an MSN nurse practitioner (NP), one should collaborate with other hospitals and departments to facilitate positive patient outcomes. The NP needs to coordinate care and collaborate with other healthcare providers as per the Essential VII.

NONPF Core Competencies

This course and the associated practical outcomes emphasized the importance of Ethics Competencies, which is a key NONPF core competency. Handling older adults requires compassion and ethics during, diagnosis and prognosis. I learned that families of older adults should be assisted and educated to comprehend the situation, including the prognosis of the patient. This requires the integration of ethical principles during decision-making.


Geriatrics: This the branch of medicine or social science that handles the health and care of the geriatric population (Powers, 2018). This is what this course covered.

Orthopedics: This is a specialty that deals with bones, muscles, and the associated deformities. It involves the diagnosis, prevention, corrections, treatments of people with skeletal deformities (Kobayashi et al., 2018). The majority of older adults have orthopedic issues and need orthopedic treatment.NR661 APN Capstone Portfolio Part 2


Generally, I learned that the care and treatment of older adults require coordination and integrated care. It is important to ensure proactive geriatric assessment to determine the patient’s medical, functional, and social needs of the geriatric population. Nurses require MSN practice or clinical guidelines for multimorbidity and polypharmacy to avoid multiple and uncoordinated prescriptions. Primary care is teamwork that requires effective coordination among all members of a multidisciplinary team.

Primary care for the geriatric population is characterized by complex demands. Opportunely, nurses are adequately trained and prepared to handle the complex demands to ensure positive patient outcomes. It also requires ethical competency to handle the geriatric population.



Exemplar # 2. NR 601. Care of Aged Family Practice

This course provides an NP with the knowledge about the common health challenges and healthcare needs among older adults. One of the assignments included selecting screening tools for anxiety and depression, making differential diagnosis, and developing the treatment plan depending on the diagnosis. Mental disorders are common among older adults and the most common conditions include depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairment.

This course focused on the care of aged family practice and the assignment covered mental health (anxiety and depression). An FNP needs to apply the correct diagnostic tools when assessing patients for mental disorders in order to facilitate the correct diagnosis and correct treatment (Samartzis & Talias, 2019). The course provides the practice and care principles for older adults and exemplar 2 focused on the mental disorders for the geriatric population. On top of the various physiological changes that the aged undergo, the course helps on the mental and cognitive issues commonly encountered among the older adults.

Chamberlain Program Outcomes

Chamberlain Program outcome #1 supports the provision of safe, high-quality, and holistic care. This course and meeting the MSN Program outcome #1 enabled me to gain competency in handling older adults and their emotional and psychological needs.

AACN MSN Essentials

This course met the “MSN Essential VII: Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes”. This essential acknowledges the significance of NPs ensuring that one collaborates, communicates, and consults other professionals during care provision. An MSN is expected to coordinate and lead multidisciplinary care teams to improve health outcomes and the AACN MSN Essential VII achieves this professional identity perfectly well.

NONPF Core Competencies

This course illustrates the NP Core Competency # 8: Ethics Competencies. This course emphasizes ethical decision-making and applies ethical solutions to issues allied to the geriatric population. As an FNP, the course and assignments equipped me with the knowledge to provide holistic care that not only focuses on the physical needs of the patient but also their mental and psychological needs. MSN-prepared FNP has the duty to provide patients and clients with adequate information regarding their care and treatment to ensure they make informed treatment decisions.


Depression: Depression is a mental disorder that negatively impacts how a person feels, thinks, and behaves. Depression can cause sadness and loss of interest in once pleasurable activities. It can also result in various psychological and physical problems and can reduce an individual’s ability to function (Tolentino & Schmidt, 2018).

Anxiety disorder: This is a feeling of nervousness that involves excessive fear and it is associated with avoidance and muscle tension (Ströhle et al., 2018).


This course and the assignments provided are appropriate for an FNP as the course provides ways to address the emotional, social, psychological, and spiritual needs of older adults. The course helps MSN students to apply Program Outcome # 1, which requires nurses and other healthcare providers to ensure the provision of high-quality and safe care while using a holistic approach. The course also encourages the collaboration of healthcare providers to ensure effective care coordination and thus positive patient outcomes.

Exemplar # 3.  NR 601. Care of Aged Family Practice

The course was challenging but it helped me to get closer to becoming a competent NP. The assignment in this exemplar involved reflection about this course.

Chamberlain Program Outcome

The course met Chamberlain’s program outcome #5 that “Advocates for positive health outcomes through compassionate, evidence-based, collaborative advanced nursing practice”. Nurses and other healthcare providers need to advocate for their patients to facilitate better health outcomes. For example, I was able to help one patient address polypharmacy and I was also able to learn about comprehensive history taking, including sexual history something previously I was not comfortable addressing during health assessments.

AACN MSN Essentials

The relevant AACN essentials in this course and assignments included Essential VIII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving Health. During this course, I learned that individualized care and culturally sensitive care plays an important role in improving health outcomes. For example, to ensure effective communication, it is important to have an interpreter for interpretation or a caretaker who understands the health information. I also learned the importance of providing patient education to facilitate safe and positive health outcomes. For example, I was able to educate a newly diagnosed diabetic patient about the importance of adhering to the treatment regimen.NR661 APN Capstone Portfolio Part 2

NONPF Core Competencies

NONPF # 8. Ethics Competencies that include the integration of ethical principles; examining the ethical consequences of decisions; and applying ethical sound solutions to challenging issues during care provision were among the relevant ethical competencies in this course. Healthcare providers should integrate ethical principles during care provision and when making clinical decisions. The autonomy of patients should be respected and healthcare providers should always act in the best interests of the patients (Rasoal et al., 2017). In my journey to become an NP, I will have more obligations that require ethical decision-making.


The concepts that I can connect with from the exemplar include screening and adherence to treatment. In nursing, screening refers to tests performed to identify health conditions before symptom manifestation and helps to detect diseases early enough to improve treatment outcomes (Bell et al., 2017). Treatment adherence refers to the ability of patients to comply with the prescribed treatment regimen (Basu et al., 2019).


Through this course and the exemplar, I learned that ethical decision-making affects the patient, but can also have an effect on the entire community. For instance, as a nurse practitioner, advocating for disease screening, provision of health education, and participating in activities aimed to prevent disease improves the population health. Additionally, I learned that provision of culturally sensitive care and personalized care improves adherence to treatment among patients.

Exemplar #4. NR 602 Care of Child/Family Practicum

The course and the practicum provided me as an MSN student with the necessary information, knowledge, and experience to diagnose and manage family and to provide primary care and manage the common health problems. The course also emphasizing on the importance of promoting and maintaining health for children and their families. This exemplar focused on the premenstrual syndrome, a common disorder among women. Symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome include headaches, weight gain, breast tenderness, water retention, mood swings, back pain, anger, lack of sleep, fatigue, and food cravings (Ryu & Kim, 2015). The course builds on growth and human development to support knowledge and competency about the diagnosis and management of healthcare problems that NPs experience in primary care of family and pediatric settings.

Chamberlain Program Outcomes

Program outcome #1 promotes the provision of safe, high quality, and patient-centered care founded in holistic health principles. Holistic care ensures patients’ satisfaction and promotes better and safe care outcomes. Through this course and attaining program outcome no 1, I addressing families’ and children’s physical, social, and emotional needs and support them in handling their disease conditions to improve their lives.

AACN MSN Essentials

The course and this exemplar attained MSN “Essential VII: Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes.” This essential allows an NP student to become a leader, collaborate with other healthcare providers to ensure effective coordination and management of care. Nurse practitioners often lead multidisciplinary teams and coordinate care across various healthcare stings.

 NONPF Core Competencies

The relevant NONPF core competencies in this course and exemplar include Core Competency # 8: Ethics Competencies. As an NP, I have to ensure I integrate ethical principles during decision making, respect patient autonomy, and ensure informed consent is sought from all patients before starting treatment.


The concepts I learned during this exemplar include premenstrual syndrome and NSAIDs. Premenstrual syndrome is a condition that affects the physical health, emotions, and behavior of women during specific days of the menstrual cycle (Hashim et al., 2019). NSAIDs include pain relievers such as ibuprofen that are used to relieve pain.


Through this course, I was able to gain knowledge, skills, and competency on how to address the emotional, social, and physiological needs of families and their children. Through Program Outcome # 1, I was able to improve my competency in the provision of personalized, safe, and high-quality care. The course and the exemplar also emphasize regarding the importance of collaboration and providing coordinated care to improve patient outcomes.

Exemplar # 5.  NR 602 Care of Child/Family Practicum

This exemplar was particularly important as I gained effective time management skills because I had to juggle between the clinical hours, school, work, family, in addition to handling the current COVID-19 pandemic and the associated fears. I must admit I gained a lot from this unit and the practicum. I was able to gain information, knowledge, and experience to diagnose and manage family and to provide primary care and manage common health problems.


Chamberlain Program Outcomes

During the practicum, I was able to meet Program outcome #1. Provide high quality, safe patient-centered care grounded in holistic health principles. During the clinical hours, I always strived to provide the best and safest care to my patients. For example, I was able to provide patient education to my patients to improve their health outcomes.NR661 APN Capstone Portfolio Part 2

AACN MSN Essentials

This practicum met the MSN Essential VII: Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving patient and population health outcomes. Effective collaboration between healthcare providers improves care coordination and thus positively impacts the quality of care and good health outcomes. For example, during my clinical hours, I would collaborate and coordinate with my preceptor, the doctors, and the specialists through constant communication and discussions about the patients and their care.

NONPF Core Competencies

The relevant NONPF core competencies during the practicum included # 8 Ethics Competencies. These competencies expect healthcare providers to integrate ethical principles when making decisions; evaluate the potential ethical outcomes of the decisions; and apply ethically logical solutions to the clinical and care issues. During this class, I learned that healthcare providers should never be judgmental towards their patients and should focus on doing good for the patients. It is also always important to seek informed consent from patients before providing any form of treatment. The informed consent should include informing the patients about the possible side effects of a particular treatment. Healthcare providers are obligated to provide safe care and make sound care decisions.


Informed consent: This is the process of the healthcare providers educating patients regarding benefits, risks, and options of a specific intervention or procedure. (Kadam, 2017). The patient should be competent to choose their treatment options and make voluntary decisions on whether to participate or decline treatment.

Interprofessional Collaboration: This refers to multiple healthcare providers from various professional backgrounds working together to provide the highest quality of care to the patients and their families (Bosch & Mansell, 2015).


Effective collaboration and communication during patient care are the cornerstones of ensuring quality and safe care. Time management is also very essential during care provision. During my practicum, I juggled many tasks and activities and this ensured I gained time-management skills. NPs have many roles, including leadership roles and thus time-management skill is important. This course allowed me to interact with different members of the multidisciplinary team and thus I was able to greatly improve my collaboration and communication skills.

Exemplar #6. NR 511 Differential diagnoses and Primary Care Practicum

NPs approach symptoms and signs of a disease using a careful approach known as the differential diagnosis. NR 511 was a very essential course during my education as an MSN prepared nurses. I had opportunities to perform diagnostic approach during my FNP program clinical rotations. MSN prepared nurses are prepared to deal with various aspects of diagnosis as care. During the practicum, I learned a lot about comprehensive primary care and basing diagnosis and treatment plans on comprehensive patient history and advanced physical tests.

Chamberlain Program Outcomes

The course met the program outcomes #1: Provide high quality, safe, patient-centered care grounded in holistic health principles. The course helps an MSN prepared nurse to come up with the final patient diagnosis and develop treatment plans. Therefore, this course enables nurses to achieve program outcomes #1. Coming up with the current diagnosis and the consequent correct treatment plan is a critical component of the patient’s safety. Evidence-based information should be used to support treatment plans.

AACN MSN Essentials

Through this course, I was able to achieve two AACN MSN Essentials that includes Essential V: Informatics and Healthcare Technologies and Essential IX: Master’s-Level Nursing Practice. The diagnosis and primary care directly affect the healthcare outcomes of the patients as indicated by Essential IX.

NONPF Core Competencies

This course demonstrated the importance of Quality Competencies. This course enables MSN-APNs to develop NONPF’s quality competencies. This can be achieved by using the latest and the current research evidence and applying the findings into clinical practice. NPs should take into consideration the complex and challenging connections between safety, quality, and healthcare costs. Through this competency, an MSN prepared nurse is able to operationalize other NONPF core competencies.


The terms I can connect to this course include differential diagnosis and test sensitivity. Differential diagnosis is the systematic diagnostic technique used to identify a specific disease or health condition where there is a likelihood of several alternatives. The differential diagnosis approach is particularly useful when a patient presents with a health condition that is difficult to understand or when the health condition presents with similar clinical features and similar symptoms (Gorenstein & Comer, 2015). Test sensitivity: Test sensitivity is used by clinicians and healthcare providers to describe the ability of a test to properly identify the patients with the disease (Cummings et al., 2015). On the other hand, test specificity is used to identify patients without the disease.NR661 APN Capstone Portfolio Part 2


This course was very important in the MSN program as it directly addresses the sensitive phases of healthcare. The course informs about making the correct diagnosis using the differential diagnoses approach and also improves competency in developing treatment plans. This course also facilitates the provision of personalized care as well as safe and high-quality care. The course emphasizes the importance of healthcare providers providing quality care and focusing on patient safety; these are salient components during care provision. This course also equips nurses with the skills to use the latest evidence to improve care outcomes.

Exemplar # 7. NR 512 Fundamental of Nursing Informatics

Through this course, I learned how to combine skills and knowledge from information science, computer science, and nursing science to implement systems that support the nursing process during the provision of care. For example, I was able to use information technology to document patient information, communicate with other healthcare providers, plan patient discharges, provide patient education, network, and more interestingly provide telehealth to patients remotely.

Chamberlain Program Outcomes

This course enabled me to meet the program outcomes #1: Provide high-quality, safe, patient-centered care grounded in holistic health principles. I was able to achieve the program outcome #1 by using the technologies to coordinate care and ensure the provision of safe, timely, and well-coordinated care. Additionally, I was able to use patient information in the system to ensure the provision of patient-centered care to the patients.

AACN MSN Essentials

Through this course, I was able to achieve the Essential V: Informatics and Healthcare Technologies. During this course, I was able to collect and analyze data to influence the provision of care as well as coordinate healthcare teams. Health informatics has been shown to improve care coordination and also track staffing, communication, and workflow and identify aspects that need to be improved. Healthcare technologies are also applied to identify research and determine the best evidence to inform care delivery.

NONPF Core Competencies

This course identifies the importance of Quality Competencies. NPs can use information technology to improve the quality of care outcomes. This can be attained by using the available technologies to facilitate and improve care provision through aspects such as telehealth and managing the patient information.


Nursing informatics: This is a specialty that incorporates computer science, nursing science, and information science to provide knowledge, manage data communication, and also manage nursing work (Darvish et al., 2015). Informatics utilizes information technology to document patient information and organize health information to improve healthcare outcomes. Health informatics also deals with equipment, resources, and technique that help in the acquisition, retrieval and storage, and use of health information.

Surveillance: This involves information-oriented activity to collect, analyze, and interpret the relevant health information from various sources. The use of informatics and technology is very important in improving surveillance and enabling real-time data analysis to ensure effective implementation of preventative measures and disease management (Moyer, 2015).


This course is very important for nurse practitioners as it equips them with the necessary skills to manage the patient information and other aspects of the healthcare system to improve care provision and care outcomes. I was also able to learn computer skills which are very important when searching for evidence to inform care provision. More interestingly, telehealth was an interesting aspect as I was able to provide care and patient education to patients regardless of their location. Patients did not have to travel to the healthcare organization for some services. This course generally highlights the importance of patient safety and quality outcome and encourages the use of information technology for better and safe patient outcomes. NR661 APN Capstone Portfolio Part 2

Exemplar # 8 NR 501 Theoretical Basis in Advanced Nursing

This course is very important for my practice as an MSN-FNP. The course helped me to apply various theories such as Transcultural Nursing Theory by Madeleine Leininger to guide my practice. Nursing theories are useful in guiding nurses during care provision and facilitating the provision of seamless care. For example, transcultural nursing theory enables the provision of culturally sensitive and competent care.

Chamberlain Program Outcomes

Through this course, I was able to realize the program outcome (PO) #5: Advocates for positive health outcomes through compassionate, evidence-based, collaborative advanced nursing practice. The use of nursing theories and the models is among the techniques nurses use to guide care provision and advocate for positive health outcomes.

MSN Essentials

This exemplar and the course met the MSN Essential VI: Health Policy and Advocacy. During this course, I engaged in advanced research methods and used theories to inform health practices in order to achieve MSN Essential VI. MSN prepared nurses are agents of change and use the latest evidence to advocate for positive nursing practices.

NONPF Competencies

During this course, I had to use and attain NONPF Competencies as the scientific foundation, policy, and health delivery system. Through policy and health delivery systems competencies, I was able to use health informatics and the latest evidence to determine the best clinical guidelines and nursing theories to guide care provision and the management of various critical health issues. The health delivery systems competency enabled me to analyze and synthesize nursing practice techniques and theories effective in improving patient outcomes.


The two concepts I connected from this exemplar include Transcultural Nursing Theory and patient advocacy. The transcultural nursing theory involves identifying and knowing diverse cultures regarding nursing and healthcare, cultural values, and beliefs in order to provide meaningful and culturally sensitive care (Im & Lee, 2018). Patient advocacy is a very vital role for nurses because nurses are the first patient advocates and they link patients with the healthcare system (Davoodvand et al., 2016). NR661 APN Capstone Portfolio Part 2


I thank this course for providing me with an insight into the use of nursing theories to guide practice. Through this course, I can now select and use the appropriate nursing theory to guide my practice. Through the realizing of the program outcomes, I can now advocate for positive and better health outcomes through the use of nursing theories and the latest research to guide my practice. Having gone through this course, it is obvious that nurses may experience challenges and confusion when selecting appropriate nursing models to guide their practice. MSN- prepared nurses ought to display NONPF Core Competencies to ensure the provision of safe and high-quality care.

Exemplar # 9.   NR 501 Theoretical Basis in Advanced Nursing

During this course, I was able to use various to guide my practice. In this exemplar, I used Orlando’s Nursing Process that emphasizes on the importance of nurses to identify and meet the immediate needs for help for the patients. Nurses should recognize the patient’s behavior could be indicating the need for the patient to be helped. Effective communication is among the most effective ways nurses can use to identify the patient’s needs.

Chamberlain Program Outcomes

This exemplar met the program outcome (PO) #5: Advocates for positive health outcomes through compassionate, evidence-based, collaborative advanced nursing practice. By identifying the patients’ immediate needs, it is possible to identify the most urgent and priority needs for the patient. This helps arrest the situation by preventing the deterioration of the situation and facilitating positive health outcomes. NR661 APN Capstone Portfolio Part 2

MSN Essentials

The course and exemplar number nine met the MSN Essential VI: Health Policy and Advocacy. Through this exemplar, I learned how to identify the immediate patient needs and act as the patient advocate to ensure the most priority patient needs are addressed. Nurse practitioners should act as patient advocates to facilitate the delivery of high quality and safe care to improve patient outcomes.

NONPF Competencies

One of the competencies relevant to this course is the leadership competency. MSN-prepared nurses are expected to build on their leadership competencies because they have more responsibilities, authority, and key roles that put NPs in leadership positions. As leaders, nurses have to act on the best interests of the patients. This can be achieved by the nurses acting as patient advocates. Nurses should also use effective communication skills to identify the most priority patient needs and improve leadership competencies (Sfantou et al., 2017).


Leadership in nursing: In healthcare organizations, leadership refers to the relationship between the leader and the followers and the aspect of directing and coordinating the team activities in order to achieve a common goal (Sfantou et al., 2017).

Mentorship: Mentorship involves the nurse leader modeling the appropriate skills and behaviors and also sharing their knowledge, skills, and competencies with other nurses under them (Cherry & Jacob, 2016).


Nurse practitioners are trained to take leadership positions and illustrate leadership competencies. This course provided me with an opportunity to practice various leadership aspects in care settings such as advocating for patients. Whereas nursing leaders are expected to offer higher leadership levels, nurses always engage in leadership activities such as mentoring nursing leaders. As an NP, I plan to use leadership styles such as the transformational leadership style to mentor and inspire my followers. I also plan to act as the patient advocate, which an important role for nurse leaders. NR661 APN Capstone Portfolio Part 2

Exemplar # 10. NR 603 Advanced Clinical Diagnosis and Practice Across the Lifespan Practicum

During this practicum, I learned so much. The practicum provided me with an opportunity to practice my nursing skills and engage in nursing scholarship activities such as advanced practice, inquiry, and research. Additionally, the course support MSN aspects like advanced practice, leadership, collaboration, coordination, and authority to advocate and provide quality care.

Chamberlain Program Outcomes

Through this course, I was able to attain the Program Outcome #4: professional identity (Integrate professional values through scholarship and service in health care). This program outcome is very important for the upcoming FNPs. For instance, this course has equipped me with the skills to provide primary care to diverse patients which is very vital in FNP practice. Nurse practitioners are expected to become leaders and possess more skills in diverse care settings. Therefore, this course has provided vital insights regarding behavioral health concerns and cultural diversity.

AACN MSN Essentials

Through this course, I was able to meet MSN “Essential IV: Translating and Integrating Scholarship into Practice and Essential III: quality improvement and safety outcomes”. Provision of advanced primary care for diverse patients and performing differential diagnosis necessitate the integration of Essential III and IV. As a family nurse practitioner, learning about nursing theories, participating in simulations, and lab sessions equipped me with skills that I will apply in the real-world.

 NONPF Core Competencies

The NONPF core competencies in this course include “competency # 7: Health Delivery System Competencies”. This competency requires NPs to use skills such as research, effective communications, leadership quality, evidence-based practice, and the use of the appropriate technologies during care provision. NR661 APN Capstone Portfolio Part 2


Cryotherapy: This is a type of treatment that includes the use of freezing temperatures to achieve therapeutic benefits. This is a comparatively new concept where the cellular and tissue temperature levels are lowered to achieve the therapeutic goals (Wilder-Smith et al., 2017).

Immunization: Immunization is the outcome of vaccination and it assists in stimulating the immune system of the body to help the body to recognize the disease and build a defense mechanism against the pathogens and also protect the body from infections in the future (Wilder-Smith et al., 2017).


This course is very vital for FNP since it is the center of nursing care. This course allows MSN-prepared nurses to achieve the MSN program outcomes, particularly the program outcome #4, that requires nurse practitioners to integrate professional values and scholarship values within healthcare services. Accordingly, this course improves and solidifies the clinical experience of the FNP and equips them with the knowledge and skills that support the delivery of quality and safe healthcare.

Concept Map

Reflecting my learning journey during the nursing education program at the Chamberlain College of Nursing, I have summarized my learning using three themes Holistic approach to care & interprofessional collaboration; Nursing Leadership; and Healthcare technology.


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