Psychological Principles of Motivation Essay

one of the movies to write about which are (Rocky III, Varsity Blues, Days of Thunder) the context for these three movies is Motivation. Choose only one movie and write a review. While viewing the movie, identify sport psychology themes that are depicted in the movie (aggression, parental involvement, goal setting, teamwork, etc.) and then write a review of the movie.Psychological Principles of Motivation Essay

Please ensure however that you clearly state and then discuss the movie in the context you choose it for which is Motivation.

The goal for you in this instance is to tell me some specific insights in the movie and how psychological principles helped or would have helped the athlete.

for the first paragraph of the paper you can start it with just writing a summary of the movie then for the second paragraph talk about the theme that are depicted in the movie and then go on.. with the review Psychological Principles of Motivation Essay

this paper should be just one page and a half.

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Use a standard 10 to 12 point (10 to 12 characters per inch) typeface. Smaller or compressed type and papers with small margins or single-spacing are hard to read. It is better to let your essay run over the recommended number of pages than to try to compress it into fewer pages.

Likewise, large type, large margins, large indentations, triple-spacing, increased leading (space between lines), increased kerning (space between letters), and any other such attempts at “padding” to increase the length of a paper are unacceptable, wasteful of trees, and will not fool your professor.

Savvy teachers today make use of psychology to increase learning in the classroom. The American Psychological Association and the Coalition for Psychology in Schools and Education recently undertook a study to identify psychological principles that would be most beneficial in the PK-12 classroom. Both organizations have looked at how to put psychological science to work in education for more than a decade.

Here are the top four principles they found related to student motivation in the classroom:

  1. Students do better when they are intrinsically, rather than extrinsically, motivated: To encourage students’ learning for the sake of learning, rather than for a grade, praise or other rewards, teachers need to incorporate the students’ need to feel competent and autonomous. This could mean providing informational, rather than punishing, feedback when grading.  Provide students several options to fulfill an assignment and create situations requiring creative problem-solving.
  2. Students persist and master tasks when they adopt mastery vs. performance goals:  Students who have mastery goals strive to develop competencies by learning as much as they can. Students with performance goals may strive to display their competence by trying to outperform others. Performance goals can lead students to avoid challenges at which they won’t excel. Some ways teachers can promote mastery goals are to focus on individual effort. Compare a student to their past performance, not another student. When praising students, be specific. Psychological Principles of Motivation Essay Don’t just say that was perfect or brilliant. When giving feedback, make sure to do it privately.
  3. Teacher’s expectations affect outcomes:  If a teacher believes a student will do well, they often do. If a teacher believes the opposite, students often don’t perform well. It’s a classic self-fulfilling prophecy at work. Teachers should always hold, and communicate high expectations and refrain from making judgments about how a student will do based on past academic history, race, class or gender.
  4. Specific, moderately challenging short-term goals enhance motivation: Goal setting is important, but it’s also imperative to pick the right type of goals. Research shows these types of goals work best for students:
    • Short-term goals make it easy to assess progress. Prior to reaching middle adolescence, children developmentally are less skilled at thinking concretely about the distant future.
    • Specific goals work because they are easy to monitor and quantify.
    • Moderately hard goals work best because they are challenging, yet attainable.

Teachers can help by keeping good written records of goal progress that are routinely reviewed by the student and the teacher. To motive students to work on longer-term goals, teachers can help them create sub-goals leading to a larger goal.Psychological Principles of Motivation Essay

Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. Activation, persistence and intensity as the main components of motivation entail a decision to initiate a behavior, continued effort toward a goal and concentration and vigor that goes into pursuing a goal respectively (Cherr, 2011).

There are many principles that explain the processes needed for one to be motivated. This article focuses on the Maslow’s principle to explain how students can be motivated in classroom situation.


The Maslow’s principle of motivation

This principle proposes that humans are motivated by multiple needs and that these needs exist in a hierarchical order. His premise is that only an unsatisfied need can influence behavior, a satisfied need is not a motivator (Cliff, 2000)

In the educational sense, motivation is the process of prompting a person to learn. The majority of students will respond to general methods of motivation. However, to provide appropriate incentives for individual students to learn,a teacher must learn to recognize their needs, incentives, and drives (Waymire, 2009).

Applying Maslow’s theory in the classroom however, may be limited by the knowledge of the students or the ability to meet their needs. A teacher needs to be aware of those influences and know the resources available to help students involved in conflicts that interfere with their training.

The following key principles according to Vich (2008) are to be taken into consideration while applying motivation theory in a teaching and learning processes.

Needs and Drive: The need is the deficit or lack that causes a desire for satisfaction. The need to belong, for instance, can motivate a student to seek group acceptance which may cause a student to behave in a manner that eventually reduces the need.

Interest: An instructor needs to learn to control student interest throughout the lesson; the learning process breaks down once a student loses interest. Emphasize why students need to learn the material and how they will benefit from the information. This way they are more likely to give their full attention to your instruction.

Values: Students have more interest in a subject that deals with goals they see as important in their lives. For example, a lesson on the flag or the Code of Conduct would probably motivate a student who values patriotism.

Attitudes: Showing a positive attitude about the subject a teacher presents can cause the student to want to learn. Students have more desire to learn when instructors show an interest in what they teach.Psychological Principles of Motivation Essay

Incentives: Incentives such as good grades, awards, or selection as a distinguished graduate motivate students who want to achieve.

Achievement: To make an effort to succeed, students must have a need to achieve at a certain level.

In addition to these key principles, The Maslow’s hierarchy of human wants is also key in the learning process of students. It is important to note that it is hard to achieve a higher level in the hierarchy if the lower level is not met.

According to Boere (2006), it is important to start with students’ physiological needs; food, clothing and shelter because it is impossible to advance to higher needs if students are hungry, don’t have warm enough clothes, or have to sleep on the street. Schools can take care of this level of human needs by providing affordable lunch in school for instance.

Safety being the second level in the hierarchy is of great importance in the learning process. If students do not feel secure regarding an aspect of their family life (e.g., employment, health, etc.) it will be equally difficult to reach that student and help them learn in an appropriate way (Boa, 2004).Psychological Principles of Motivation Essay

On the other hand, if a student does not feel like they belong, whether it is within a circle of friends or their family they will have a hard time focusing on their learning. The same could be said if a student has low self-confidence or low self-esteem.


Considering that some students are greatly affected with some of the human needs, it is much easier to achieve learning objectives and goals in class if an instructor takes note of the key principles discussed here. A student cannot be motivated to achieve the next level if the previous one has not been achieved. A level not met motivates a student to work towards achieving it. Also an instructor must realize that even high school students may not have the maturity level and cognitive skills needed to proceed through each level of Maslow’s hierarchy. That being said, teachers need to be able to guide their students through these levels at the appropriate times.Psychological Principles of Motivation Essay